SJ: Call Me 'HYUNG' First [KyuMin]

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Kyuhyun received a guitar as a gift and wanted to learn how to play it so he asked the help from his hyungs. The first hyung he saw when he went down the stairs was Heechul. Heechul was currently laying down the sofa using his cell phone.

“Heechul-ah, help me play the guitar”

“I’m busy with twitter, go ask the others.”

Heechul doesn’t really care whether Kyuhyun calls him hyung or not.

He went to the dance room and saw Donghae, Eunhyuk and Shindong.

“Donghae-yah, Eunhyuk-ah, Shindong-ah stop fooling around, teach me how to play the guitar.”

“We're busy practicing” Eunhyuk said while busy trying to make other dance steps from the famous hip thrusts.

“We're thinking of new dance steps for the new single, go ask others”Shindong shouted because he was so far from Kyuhyun. He was currently eating dokbokki in the side.

“I can't help you, Kibum hasn't been around this times and he still haven't finished teaching me, all I know is A” this was Donghae.

“You’re no help... Aish…” Kyuhyun walked out of the dance room.

Siwon wasn't around that time because he was busy with his acting career.

He doesn’t want the help from Yesung and Ryeowook.

Leeteuk was currently writing a letter for Kangin who was still in the army.

All that’s left from the Super Junior members was Sungmin.

“Yeah, why didn't I think of it first? Sungmin plays instruments well. I’ll ask his help.”

He searched their whole dorm but wasn't able to find Sungmin.

“Leeteuk-hyung, where is Sungmin?”

“I don't know. I haven't seen him.”

 “I’ll just disturb the two lovebirds…” [Evil laugh]

He entered Ryeowook’s room knowing that Ryeowook and Yesung were together composing a new song.

“Where's Sungmin?”

“Why are you asking where Sungmin is? Hmm, I think I know why. Haha…” Yesung trying to tease Kyuhyun

“Yah~ Tell me where Sungmin is or I’ll throw Ddangkkoma!”

“You’ll never scare me! Haha…”

“Ryeowook, do you know where's Sungmin?”Kyuhyun asked totally ignoring Yesung.

“I don't know. I wasn't able to go out the room because we’re composing.”

“Yah~ Talk to me, why are you always ignoring me?” Yesung butting in the conversation

“I’ll just go.”Then, Kyuhyun went out the room.

“That Kyuhyun needs to learn to respect his hyung… You should be the magnate not him. I’ll never tell him where Sungmin went” Yesung told Ryeowook.

Suddenly, Kyuhyun entered the room again, holding Ddangkkoma.

“Yah~ CHO KYUHYUN, Take your hands off Ddangkkoma!”

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