A Letter to My Addiction

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Theres so much inside

that i have never been able to say.

So much to hide,

but that changes today.

Since day one its been fun,

never a dull moment did you give-

but now ive got to go.

There is a life i must live.

you have changed me dramatically through all the highs and lows-

you make it so, so hard..

but our chapter together must close.

ive known for some time

what i never wanted to see.

but now i say aloud- i must be set free.

the damage you have caused will linger...

in so many painful ways.

only time can heal the wounds ive caused

and i have already lost too many precious days.

I am letting go of your tightly held grip

i am facing the truth head on.

i take it all back.. the power i once gave u.

Now it is I who is strong.

This is my life... and my dreams and goals will no longer come last.

Today I start my own future.

you can only have my past. i met you as a girl and since then you've never allowed me to grow.

The years of your reign are over. Now- as a woman I go.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2011 ⏰

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