Chapter 2- Life is Hard

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Let’s just say it’s been a tiring day. As it’s now 2014, practice doesn’t let up. I flew in to Cali today from Vermont, landing at 9:30 am. Since then, I’ve been continually riding up the chairlift and down the halfpipe. All day, nonstop. Anyway, Kari called earlier and said that she was in the area and wanted to meet up. With all my travelling, I haven’t seen Kari in 3½ months. Even Jesse, who I work with, has been absent from my life for 2 months. It gets lonely travelling so much, but I know it’ll all pay off when I get that 3rd gold. Until then, though.

It’s now 1:00 pm, when I told Kari I would meet her. Though, knowing her, she’ll be at least 10 minutes late, so I’m gonna take another run and then wait. After making my way down the halfpipe again, I’m met with the cheering of not one, but two, people. Of course, the one time I decide to be a bit late, Kari’s on time. Life is hard.

Spraying them with powder, I meet Kari and this other short girl at the bottom of the hill. I double take, Was that or was that not Alicia Black, the best American figure skater, with the only competitors being Yuna Kim and Yulia Lipnitskaya. And she’s easy on the eyes too. Now that’s legit. Of course I have to play it cool, no pun intended.

“Hey, Kari. Finally decided to show up on time, huh?”

“Wow, Shaun. Such little faith in me. But don’t get used to this; it’s never going to happen again. I’m only on time this time because I need to make a good impression for the guest.”

“How impolite of me. I’m Shaun White,” I say to Alicia, flashing a white smile at her while pretending to not have noticed her.

“Obviously, I know who you are,” her tinkling voice replies. “It’s almost the Olympics. I don’t know if anyone doesn’t know who Shaun White is. But now I’m being impolite; I’m Alicia Black, but call me Ally.”

Chuckling at her rambling, I reply, “I know who you are too; I like being nice.”

“Nice? Pshhh. Don’t believe him, Ally. He’s never nice.” Sisters. Why do they exist besides torturing me? FML.

“Don’t be mean, Kari. I’m sure Shaun’s not as mean as you say-”

“See even the stranger likes me more than my own sister,” I pout.

“-he’s just in need of an attitude adjustment.” Ally finishes, simultaneously winking at me and high-fiving Kari. I take back what I said. Kari and Ally are twin devils.

“Ugh, at least I only have to deal with Kari for today, I’ll have to deal with you from that plane ride to Sochi up until the plane ride back, three weeks later.”

“Hey,” she returns, faking dismay, “first off, I’m not that bad. Secondly, it’s two weeks and two days, not three weeks.”

“Whatever.” Of course, the figure skater bests me again. Life is hard.

“Well, guys,” Kari speaks up, “as much as I love the cold, wet, slippery, dirt-filled snow-ice slush stuff- wait, I don’t. What I was saying was, why don’t we head inside?”

Both Ally and I stare at her in disbelief.

Sharing a look, I reach to take her temperature while Ally says, “Are you ill? You literally just said that you hate snow and ice to two Olympians. Winter Olympians.”

“Well said, Ally. Couldn’t have done it better myself.” We high-five before going back to interrogating my dear sister.

“Wow, guys. Did I say that? I totally didn’t mean it. What I meant was can we go inside instead of staying in the beautiful, amazing freezing snow-ice stuff.”

“Yeah, sure.”


“Kay, because as much as I love your sports, this is still cold, wet, slippery, and dirt-filled,” Kari replies before sprinting towards the closest Starbucks. We dash after her, laughing and giggling the entire way. Maybe life isn’t so hard.

~*Wow, guys. I’m a horrible human being. Sorry for the late and super short update. I know, I know. I said Friday but I had an orchestra rehearsal and went straight to bed after. Excuses, excuses. But I’m really sorry. I’m gonna update before Friday. Feel free to yell at me if I’m late. Sorry again. As always, vote, comment, share, etc.*~


Black and White- a Shaun White fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon