Tag and Contest Entry

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1. I thought I already said this.. Elleirbag

2. Canada

3. Connor (if he sees this I'll die)

4. Yes

5. Nobody yet, unless we're counting my family

6. I had to say a few lines at a horse camp and I failed miserably. I had to eat a radish, uncooked

7. I don't really hate any bands or artists... I mostly only pay attention to the songs, but JUSTIN BEIBER U SUCK

8. No I don't cause you started this tag u freak

9. I would wish to have a genie lamp 👀

10. I would save you cause your a human, but I still don't like you. I could always make another cake.

Tags: u don't have to, only if u want to


AND THE CONTEST ENTRY FOR ShadowTheNightWing!!!!!!!

I'm so sorry you had to extend it!!!!!

Forgive me

Oh God forgive me

Oh God forgive me

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Youll probably dock points for the lateness

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Youll probably dock points for the lateness.. I'm sorry, I deserve it.

The story:

Cinnamon leaped over a fallen tree and dove into a pool, holding her breath. The bubbly, garbled voices reached her ears. She opened her eyes, letting her clear eyelids close.

The pool was deep, and unpleasantly​ muddy. She felt soft currents flap against her ruff, and swam towards the source. The water around her was dark, but it slowly got lighter, possibly from the stream washing the dirt away. Her breath began to hitch.

A roaring sound reached her ears, growing louder with each push against the muddy bottom.

Suddenly, a vicious clap of running water hit her panicked, pale green scales. Cinnamon floundered under the rush of the waterfall before pushing past it. Her legs began to tremble from holding her breath for so long.

Cinnamon felt an opening with her claws, and desperately scratched at the soft mound of sand stopping her from breathing. Sand billowed around her face, getting into her mouth.

Claws sandy, she dragged her self into a cold stone floor and coughed, throat scratchy. Her wings flopped on either side. Cinnamons' panic slowly began to ebb away. She took deep slow breaths, eyes closed, coughing occasionally. The soft roar of the waterfall soothed her pale green scales, turning back to her original color.

Now where was she?

It was generally dark, and the stone beneath her wet claws were cold. Eyes open, Cinnamon looked around. The cave was small and Cinnamon knew she would warm up soon. She looked behind her, and the harsh light of midday was hazy and soft on the other side of the waterfall. Dark green moss dominated the walls.

Oh. She was on the other side of the waterfall.

The alcove was slowly getting warmer, and as Cinnamons rusty colored eyes adjusted, she realized she was standing at the edge of a small, lucid pool. The water was clear, and a little cold. Cinnamon assumed there was only rock at the bottom.

And it was peaceful. Maybe she could use this as a hiding spot, her own little world. She imagined sunny days, a lantern filling the cave with soft light. A bed of moss. A scroll. An inkpen.

Cinnamon was about to get up and inspect the cave a little more when her claw bumped against something hard. She slowly picked the thing up. It was pretty heavy, only a little smaller then her head.

She nearly dropped it again, but held fast. It was an egg! It was a myriad of colors, tropical hues. Cinnamon was sure it wasn't a Rainwing egg, though. Rainwing eggs were white, with glimpse​s of colors evey now and then. This egg was bright, with stripes of red and blue and green and yellow. Cinnamon held it carefully in her talons, and peered at it.

"What are you?" She whispered.


Sorry that was bad. Hope I'm not too late. Don't kill me.

Bye y'all


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