Author's Note

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It's been such fun to have you along on this journey with me! Thank you for reading, thank you for voting, and thank you to those who've reached out via the Comments. I love it when you drop a thought on this silly little book of mine, and I try to respond to everyone!

If you're a silent reader: I see you, friend, and I appreciate you ever so much! I will not drag you out of the shadows, but here! *Expression of intense concentration* I have sent you a mental hug. Hope you receive it while it is still warm. :3

This brings us to the end of the first installment of Theodosius's misadventures!

"Wait—the first installment? Didn't he die?"

A reasonable question, Dear Reader! Yes. Yes, he did. But that won't stop him from having a sequel(ette) to his novel(ette).

Fire and Brimstone and Cookies is now available! If you wish to join Theo on his next horrifying(ly humorous) adventure, check it out on my profile!

Fire and Brimstone and Cookies is now available! If you wish to join Theo on his next horrifying(ly humorous) adventure, check it out on my profile!

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If you are interested in something less light-hearted, consider checking out my fantasy series, beginning with Blood-Bound: Lore of Penrua Book I.

May your life be full to the brim with true love (and may it contain little to no necromancy)

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May your life be full to the brim with true love (and may it contain little to no necromancy).

Thanks for reading, everyone!

x M i n a

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