sat., 2:41am [ apr.29 ] [ 2017 ]

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hi. call me snoopy. snoop dog. snoop doggo. doggy. pup. puppy. jk jk just snoopy's fine.

i'm just an always-hungry, always-tired student (former high school, pre-college) suffering through Life™ with my only comforts being anime, tumblr, music, food, and bed. "not too shabby there, snoop" is what you'd say. but tbh it's a pretty shitty, meager way of life that won't get me a job nor a family [nor will i ever meet tatsunari kimura or adam driver or andrew garfield aha rip me save me].

um i mentioned i liked tatsunari kimura; i also really stan HQ!! and KNB, esp. seijuro akashi winkwink. mm if you're trying to get my immediate attention, your best bet would be to spam my inbox with the two aforementioned (tatsunari and seijuro) or:

■ tooru oikawa, osamu miya, osamu dazai [BSD], chuuya nakahara [also BSD], sasaki haise, koushi sugawara, keiji akaashi, ja'far [from Magi], akira kunimi, ryota kise, kiyoko shimizu, soya kazama [from World Trigger], ayato kirishima, hakuryuu [another Magi chara.], morgiana [one more Magi chara.; badass female protag.], satsuki momoi, keith kogane [from Netflix' VLD], and/or rei nasu [another badass female chara.!! 💕💕]

■ allen kohatsu, kousuke asuma, kenta suga, kensho ono, mario kuroba, adam driver, or andrew garfield [message me for my kpop stans as i'm not too into kpop as i am into anime sfedhsaj]

■ or, if you want to find group gifs or group fanart, HQ!! captains, HQ!! first years doing ANYRTHINGRLLY!!!, aoba johsai, teiko GOM being happy,  rakuzan, or hinata siblings being cute are fine too! 👍

ugh. i am so sorry about the above; i do have a tendency to ramble. apologies ahead of time for that.

anyway, yeah. i'm deep into anime hell and stage actor hell. yu nishinoya is super cool. hitoka yachi must be protected at all costs. osamu miya is slowly worming his way into my heart and soul sttT O P I T !!!! also. i am currently studying for my driver permit and preparing myself for college next year. pls save me.


uh yeah as for my writing, i mainly write for HQ!! and KNB as those two fandoms are the ones i'm super into nowadays. tho BSD, Magi, and World Trigger are fighting to be my top two (or three) faves.

drabbles have been a thing for me recently bc they're short and simple and cute i literally have no time for long stories or chaptered fics (the exception is if you're a certain friend and need to be put in your place i am looking at you, vera).

requests are allowed (maybe i'll make a special page here or a separate notebook for them) but like i said, give me a break if you're gonna ask for some long-ass fic. drabbles are easier for me to write, esp. if you want ur request right away.


as for other shit, expect to do lists, headcanons or prompt ideas from me (ofc, ask me first if you're gonna use 'em. i'd love to read what u come up with!), life updates (i.e. if i went on some sudden unnanounced hiatus or if i'm gonna permanently quit fanfic writing (which probs won't happen for a while aha) or maybe i'm going away to some remote island for vacation and won't have wifi service, etc. etc. etc.

also expect fandom babblings, maybe a Q&A event???, rants and vents, maybe a vent fic or two... also tags are welcome!! aha don't be shy too talk to me. i'm really just some old bean of a meme that just wants to chill in peace with her music and sleep. haha


welp. aha i guess that's it from me. it's late and i need my sleep (even though i promised vera to have her angst-filled miya fic published yesterday but shhh!!!!!). so this is me. signing off. gnight! [drops mic] [exits stage right]

🍑 snoopy

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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snoop doggo on the mic.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang