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"Was that...?" I start, but I'm unable to finish my sentence. I stare at Cleo's goldfish, which is staring right back at us with it's huge, poppy eyes.

Rikki yells pointing to the tank with an accusing finger, "I told you I heard a dolphin talk to me!" She is, unbelievably, not bothered by the fact that I fish just talked to us although she's bothered by about everything else.

Mr. Setori must have heard because I hear him yell, "What is going on up there? A dolphin?"

Cleo gives Rikki the death stare, "Um, nothing, Dad! We were just..."

"Talking about one of the dolphins... at the marine park. One of them chirped at me... and I was wondering if Cleo knew who it was." Rikki, projects her voice loud enough so that it is heard down stairs. Mr. Setori yells back an "Okay," and we all return our positions to staring at the talking fish.

"Hector," Cleo starts, "Was that... you?" Her voice is shaky, like she is questioning herself instead of the fish.

"You can hear me?" I voice floats through the air-a voice we heard seconds ago. The voice of the fish.

Cleo answers, "Yes,"

The fish does a flip in it's tank, "Hooray! You've never heard me before. This is amaazzziiiinnnnngggggg!!!" When it comes back from it's flip, it almost smiles.

Cleo turns to us, "Hector just talked. He just talked." Her eyes are huge, her face pale.

"Oh, I'd rather be called Henrietta. I'm a girl."

"Oh," Cleo's eyes go wider, making me and Rikki laugh.

A Change in the Tides (H2O: Just Add Water)Where stories live. Discover now