maid - one

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Characters: Jared Leto!Joker, Reader

Warnings: awkward!reader (if that's a warning), kissing, implied smut

Don't drop the plates, don't drop the plates, don't drop the plates.

I repeat the same four words in my head as I carry the plates full of food into the huge dining hall. Oh, God, there he is. Sitting right at the end of the long, empty table. Guards in each corner of the room, protecting him. The Crime Prince of the city. His crimson red lips erupt in a grin once he sees me walking towards him. I smile back shyly. Although I have grown quite used to his psychotic behavior in these few weeks, Mr. J is still terrifying me in many ways. His icy blue orbs are always so unreadable and seductive, his laugh so menacing and the tone of his voice so intimidating. God, was I afraid but charmed.

"My dear Y/N, what have you made this time?" He says as I am now very close to him.

"Something special, Mr. J." I say as I put the food on the table in front of the man with shaking hands. God, this dish was reallysomething special. I had put all my will and energy to make it edible. I really hope it doesn't taste like  horse shit or I am probably gonna be fired. Or killed. I was putting so much effort into everything and anything I did in this place.

"And all for me?" Mr. J asks, looking up at me from his seat. I smile.

"Yes, Mr. J." I say, my voice a bit shaky. His pale hand raises up to my face and he caresses my cheek with the back of it. I try to breath as steadily as I can as he is looking me right in the eyes.

"Sit down, sweet cheeks." Mr. J says. What? He's asking me to sit down? Don't get me wrong, he is quite a nice person, but for my working time here this is the first nice gesture coming directly from him.

"O-okay, sir." I say, taking a seat not far from him at the table. I put my hands in my lap as he takes the fork and knife in hand. I can't help but steal quick glances of him eating the food to see what he thinks. Mr. J's face remains the same and he doesn't say a thing. That could mean either it's horrible or wonderful. Oh my. "Is it bad, Mr. J?" I ask, nervousness audible in my voice. God, I probably messed up the sauce. He stops eating and looks at me with a totally unreadable expression. Shit, it's bad. "It's bad, oh God, I'm sorry, Mr. J, I-"

"Sweets." He says, putting down the fork and knife. "Boys, dismiss us." OH. SHIT. I'M IN TROUBLE. He rises from his seat once all the guards are out the door and stands in front of me. "Stand up, doll." Mr. J speaks and I obey him, rising from my seat. We are standing so close to each other.

"Mr. J, I apologize if the food is horrible, although I really-" I started to rumble again, an annoying habit of mine, but Mr. J stops me when he pushes his body harsh against mine.

"Shh, sweets, you talk too much." He says, putting his hand over my mouth and I think by now the fear in my eyes is pretty evident to anyone who looked. "Are you..." Mr. J starts, pushing me onto the table, so now he's standing between my legs. His face is so close to mine that I can feel his breath on my nose. Mr. J's eyes are looking right into mine as he says, "... Afraid of me, doll?" Well I can't just tell him, then he'll think I'm weak. I stay silent and he grabs me by my hips so roughly I'm afraid it will leave bruises. "Please obey Daddy, doll." Oh my God, what? That's a bit disturbing, but.. also sounds really hot when he says it. I'm so weird.

"I'm not, Mr. J." I speak.

"Oh really?" Joker says, his lips right by my ear, sending shivers all over my body. "Then why are you shivering like a tree leaf, my dear?" His metal teeth bite onto my ear and I can't help the moan that comes out of my mouth. I instantly cover my mouth with my hand and the Joker chuckles. Chuckles. "Don't be ashamed, sweets. I want to hear you."

"Mr. J, w-why are you doing this?" I finally get the courage to ask him. Joker laughs, but not maniacally, and faces me.

"Well, my darling... You see, this doesn't happen often, but I've taken liking in you." Mr. J says with raised eyebrows. Oh. "And I loveto see you in this uniform."

I can't say anything. It is just... Wow. This attractive and intimidating man, the king of crime, takes a liking in me? Me? What could be so special about me?

All the while I am basically questioning my life, I am staring into the Joker's eyes. And he is staring back at me.

"Don't just look at me, sweets. Say something, do something." Joker urges.

"Mr. J, I-"

"Oh, God, I love it when you call me that." Joker whispers huskily and leans down to connect our lips. Yes. He's kissing me. He, Mr. J.

Takes me by surprise and I writhe around in his grip, but he's too strong. The kiss is rough, but meaningful. God, this is so wrong. He's my boss. There shouldn't be such feelings between us. But I love it.

"Now, doll." He speaks, disconnecting our lips and leaving me longing for his. "Let's take things to a more serious level, shall we?"


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