One Door Down- A taylor caniff love story.

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It was the first day of june, and the second day of june was MAGCON! I woke up at 7:30, because i had to catch my flight to orlando. I packed my bags, told my family goodbye, and headed for the airport. When i got on the plane i was directed to my seat. I put in my headphones and fell asleep until it was time to get off (3-4 hours), When i got off i went to my hotel and checked in, and thenw ent to my room. After i had gotten unpacked since i would be in orlando for 3 days i decided to explore the hotel. When i opened my door and tok 2 steps out i saw taylor, nash, cam, aaron, shawn, hayes, and the jacks. My mouth droped open.

"Hey" said taylor i was literally about to scream but instead i just casually said "hey". Nash and the rest of the group said they would say hi later since theyre bags were really heavy. But Taylor decided to stay and talk to me.

"You know, your really pretty. Id really like to get ot know you better. Do you wanna go out to dinner tonight?" I was in shock. Did Taylor Caniff just ask ME to go to dinner with HIM?! But instead of asking questions i said "i would love to" and smiled. "Great, ill pick you up at 7." he replied. I smiled and went into my rom and i saw that it was 6. I had to get ready now! I tok a shower and then braided my hair. I picked out a pink frilly cami and some white high wasted shorts, and my white vans. I did some casual makeup and waited for Taylor.

After about 10 minuets of me waiting taylor opened the door and tackled me. "Ready?" he said with a smile. "Taylor you messed up my hair!" i said. "Can i mess up your lipstick too?" asked taylor. instead of responding i just smiled, and as we were walking out of the room he grabbed my hand, looked over, and smiled.

When we got to the resturaunt, he pulled my chair out for me and then went to sit down. When i wasent looking he took out his straw and startig spitting spit balls at me, and instead i kicked him under the table, and he stopped right then.

After Dinner we starting walking back to the hotel, he grabbed my hand and he instantly said "i want girlfriend" I stopped walking, i was so nervous on what to say. Did he really just ask me out!? " i look him in the eyes and say, yes." He grabs me around my waist and kisses my for about a minuet. And when i pull away we continue walking. "Got to ruin my lipstick afterall" i say winking at him. "Yes and i loved every second of it."

When we get back to the hotel we go into his room and all the guys are watching tv. We are holding hands and taylor yells "ME AND EMMA ARE DATING" And all of a sudden they yell "GET IT TAYLOR" He dosent say anything but smile and blush. We walk over to his bed and lay down. Instead of staying on sides, we cuddle.

Its about 1 AM when i say im going to my room to take a shower, and he says can we come and hang out? Please? And i respond with a sure. They come over and when i get out of the shower i realize i forgot my clothes. I ask taylor or any of the boys to get me some and they reply "no come out here and get them". I walk out in my towel and quickly try to get my clothes. After i change i come out. All of them are staring at me because im wearing spandex and a baggy Taylor caniff tee. I put my hair in a pony tail and sit on the bed next to taylor laying my head on his chest.

Aaron suggest we play truth or dare so we do.

"Taylor" screams nash. "Truth or Dare" "Dare" replies taylor. "I dare you to grind on emma."

I look at him and blush. "I dont wanna sound like a slut if i let him do it." i said.

"You wont, its a dare" said nash. Taylor got off the bed and took off his shirt, pushed me down (lightly) and slowly started grinding to the music. I look over and shawn & matt are recording. And i tell them to stop, i want to get up but its so romantic i cant force myself.

Hayes says "yall hav ebeen going for 10 min you can stop now"

Oh right, says taylor. "Emma, truth or dare" says shawn. "Dare" i reply. "I dare you to kiss nash. Ad get nashty with it." "I dont know, i dont want to make taylor mad." "Go ahead babe, its fine"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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