Part 3

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Hi I just remembered something that happened to me a few years ago and I realized I needed to put it in this book. In 9th grade in the spring I was having a really tough time since I found out all my friends weren't as close to God as me. One morning I went to homeroom. Now I have homeroom in a science classroom so there are desks that can fit 2 people. They are more like tables. Everyone writes on these tables but that day some off the writing stuck out to me as important. It was really hard to read and I could only make out some of the words but I typed it into my phone. I felt like it might be a message from God. When I typed it in I saw several bible versus pop up. I found one that was really similar to what I could read. Nahum 1:12 "this is what the lord says: Although they have allies and are numerous, they will be destroyed and pass away. Now this might seem violent but I don't think God is saying he is going to physically destroy them but I think he will destroy sin. I think here God was trying to tell me that one day sin will go away and the devil will not win. This was important for me at this time since I was feeling alone and like sin was winning. This moment was really important for me since it was one of the few times God really clearly spoke to me. Another time this happened was when I had a dream or I guess it was more like a vision. It was about a year ago. In the vision I was some place I didn't recognize. My friend that is an atheist was there also. We were standing there And suddenly there was tongues of fire over our heads. I instantly knew what had happened and started crying because I knew that it was from God. I then turned to my friend and told her and she believed. I think this vision means that someday she will believe in God. There has been other things similar to this that has happened over the years but these two things stick in my head the most. I hope all of you are having good days. Thanks for reading.

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