The after-festival

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Mathias' POV

The trainstation smelled like rotten trash and drunk homeless people, but i felt calm anyways. We were home from the festival and even though i was there a couple of days after i met that girl, i couldn't get her off my mind. All song lyrics i heard, were about her, and maybe my mind was pulling a trick on me, but i always thought other brunette girls looked like her, until they turned around and i wasn't even gonna manage to hide my disappointment. Not because she was common. Not at all, i mean, can the love of your life be common? She did look common with her long brown hair and blue eyes, but if you looked closer, you would notice. The sparkles in her eyes when i told her my name, and the blush in her cheeks when i noticed them. She was absolutely gorgeous, and she had no clue!

Ida's POV

The revealing feeling was overwhelming, when stepping inside of my apartment and closing the door. Home alone again, was the first thought coming through my mind as i stepped into my room, threw my bags and jumped down on my bed. My mind was a mess after the festival, so i decidedto rock out to some 1D and 5sos i wasn't really a big fan of the persons, but i liked the music, and i guess, that's the thing about me. I might seem so shy and socially awkward, but in real life i'm like this. Dancing like crazy to my favorite bands, letting out all of my mess, and emotions. my room was as always clean, but i didn't even mind the curtains weren't down. I kept on dancing and singing.

Mathias POV

Twilight was as if packed outside of my window as i drew up the curtains and opened a window to my dusty room. The autumn air was blowing outside and sended a cold breeze into my room, causing me freeze like hell. Even more goosebumps streemed up my bare arms as i looked at the window in the building across the street. At first i thought i was out of my mind, but then i realized that the brunette girl at the appartment across the street didn't just look familiar. She was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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