Running into People

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I said goodbye to Grace, and then I went upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed for a minute, shaking with excitement. Tomorrow was Sunday, which meant time to go to church. When my dad had settled in with his new job, I was finally able to convince my parents that going to church was extremely important.

To me, church was no small event. Some teenagers wore their jeans and slept through the service. I, on the other hand, could not be more awake as our youth pastor spoke. I took notes in the special blue notebook, and I highlighted the verses that I liked in my Bible. I dressed up, too. And, no matter how many times I go to church, each time is exciting, because I never know what God will reveal to me.

So, I began my preparation for the next morning. I opened up my closet and sifted through the skirts I had hung on the hangers. My favorite green skirt was in the laundry, because I had worn it to school that previous Friday. After debating over which color of the rainbow I should wear, I finally settled on a purple one.

It had ruffles along the bottom that were a dark, rich purple. The fabric from the ruffles to the waistband was a pale purple with peach paisley designs on it. White embroidery outlined the peach patterns.

I laid out the skirt carefully over my desk chair. I put a white tank-top and a peach cardigan there as well. My outfit would be perfect. I loved looking nice on Sundays, because I felt like I was dressing up for God.

I walked over to my jewelry box, and I pulled out my silver cross necklace, a silver bracelet, and two small silver hoop earrings with diamonds on them. I set them out by my clothes, and moved into the bathroom. Luckily, I had my own bathroom, so I didn’t have to share with Ethan. Not that that would be a bad thing, but I liked my privacy sometimes.

I opened the drawer on the left of my sink, and pulled out my Ziploc bag of soft curlers. With quite a bit of difficulty, I managed to get the curlers in my short, brown hair. When I finished it, I took off my glasses, rubbed face scrub on my cheeks and forehead, and brushed my teeth. I popped my retainers in, which I have worn since I got my braces off in seventh grade.

After I rinsed off my face scrub, I put my glasses back on, and wondered when my mom would give in and let me get contacts. I slipped on a tank-top and a pair of comfy shorts. I pulled back the covers, and propped myself up with some pillows. My Bible was open on my nightstand, and I picked it up, ready to read Romans.

The beautiful, encouraging, and poetic words of Paul filled my soul with happiness. I loved reading about the greatness of our God, and it comforted me to know how much He loved me. My favorite book in the Bible had the answers to almost all my questions about my faith. God taught me so much through the words in Romans, and I loved knowing that He cared enough to give me peace.

When I was done reading, I turned off my light, and laid in bed on my stomach, careful not to mess up my curlers.

The next morning, I brushed my teeth, put on mascara, and lip gloss- I never wore much makeup. I put on my jewelry and clothes, and then I pulled out my curlers. Springy ringlets framed my face. I was perfect for church, so I skipped down the stairs.

Ethan was at the table, silently praying over his Pop-Tart breakfast. I smiled at his cuteness. Some people wondered why we didn’t fight. I guess because we are Christian, we know better than to waste our time on Earth with silly things like not getting along.

I opened the kitchen cupboard and pulled out a box of Cheerios, my favorite cereal. After pouring my bowl, I sat down at the table and blessed my meal.

Dear God, I pray that today can be a wonderful day. I am so excited to hear what you want to reveal to me at Church today. I pray that this cereal can give me the nutrients I need to have full attention on you. Amen.

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