Two: Catching His Attention

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Two: write a chapter in which a female character uses a catcall to grab a male's attention, contradicting standard stereotypes.

Harper giggled down the line, listening to Haley's rants.

"But no, he just had to go ahead and take me to the lake. Ugh, you know how much I hate getting wet. And over that, I was wearing the shirt that my aunt had given me on my twentieth birthday! It got completely spoiled!" Haley, Harper's best friend complained through the phone. Her fiance had planned a great outing for Valentines day and she wanted to talk to Harper about it.

Haley Williams lived in London and was the definition of a rich girl. Her parents were both heart surgeons and both were on the Top 10 surgeons of UK. She was smothered with gifts from when she was a little kid to her engagement party. She was spoiled with gifts but that didn't get to her head. Much. She was pretty ditzy but she was a good person overall.

"So, how's Chris? Your uncle? Et la tante?" Haley asked, adding a terrible french accent while speaking her basic french.

"Chris is great. He had a date yesterday. My aunt is perfectly fine too, just as my uncle." Harper replied, walking across the street and then turned left. She had a meeting with Arnold and his fiancee in ten minutes and she still had to cross a few blocks. She would hail a cab, but they never stopped for her.

Cabbies in Paris always aimed for tourists they could fool and would rather not waste time on people who looked like they already knew Paris.

"And how was your hot evening? You replied to my message yesterday saying you were busy." Haley giggled, the only habit of hers Harper got annoyed by.

"I had a hot date with my papers."

"Awh, come on Harper, you gotta give me more than that," Haley whined through the phone. "You can't expect me to believe that you actually spent Valentines Day alone!"

"What's so shocking in that?" Harper demanded, pausing to let a car pass by. "I should let you know, 49% of the female population over the age of 20 spends Valentines Day alone."

"Yeah, but those 49% aren't as hot as you. You should have been out partying or spending time with some hot guy you met the day before. Let yourself be a girl for once Harp."

"I am not a harp." Harper simply responded, not wanting to argue with her stubborn friend. She knew she wouldn't get anywhere with the conversation.

"Call me back once you're in your right mind Harper," Haley said, her haughty voice coming on. "I have so much to tell you but you're no fun this way."

Harper sighed as her friend cut the call. She looked down at her phone, stumbling in mid-stride. She collided with some poor soul and dropped her stuff. She looked up and saw a tall, America-ish man. He had dark hair and was wearing a blue shirt.

"I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed as she saw a crack on his phone, which had also fallen on the ground. She bent down to pick it up. The man just stood there looking slightly out of place, like fish out of water. She picked up her phone, her bag and his phone.

"I'll repay you." She said, standing up. "How much do you think you'll need? € 50? € 75?" She took her purse in her hands.

"No need." She heard him say, for the first time, getting over his awkwardness. "It's okay and thank you."

Realizing she didn't need to continue this conversation any longer, she smiled at him and started walking again. She clicked the home button on her phone to check the time.

The light came on and she saw a black wallpaper which she did not recognize. She stopped and stared down at it for a few seconds before realizing what had happened. She got her phone exchanged with the man!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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