Tempest - Deep Trouble

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Nicholas placed the bowl of scrambled eggs in front of me with a small clatter, then placed the knife and fork next to it. Feeling like a zombie, i picked up the fork and pierced a bit of egg and placed it in my mouth, chewing slowly and savouring the rich flavour of seasoning and a touch of butter. I didn't notice Nicholas watching me till i looked up, i blushed and looked down at the eggs.

'You're quiet.' Half a beat later 'Much to quiet for the morning. are you feeling alright?' As he said that, he stretched out his arm and placed his hand softly against my cheek, i sighed and looked back up at him. His eyes showed worry and something else, but i couldn't quite put my finger on it. My stomach lurched as i fourght with the need to lose my breakfast. I smiled weakly to show i was ok, but that little bit of movement made me bolt up in my chair and dash to the bathroom as i was violently sick.

'Shina.' Nicholas called from the kitchen, i heard the scrap of a chair move and heard his light footsteps coming towards me. That's odd, i'd never been able to hear his footsteps before. As i pondered this, Nicholas walked into the bathroom to see me lying down on the tiled floor. He quickly dashed to my side and tried to help me sit up. But as he did that, i felt my stomach lurch again and grabbed the toilet bowl, and was sick again. He held back my hair and said, "Soothingly, calming words as i tried to calm down."

'Toothbrush,' i mummbled weakly, trying to stand up and walk towards the basin.

'What? what's wrong?' his hands fluttered over me as he tried to figure out what i said.

'Toothbrush. Please. In draw. Under sink.' I voiced just above a whisper. He reached under the sink and grabbed my toothbrush. He handed it to me and then grabbed the toothpaste, seeing as i was looking around quizzically. I thanked him and started brushing my teeth with the sink running slowly and lazely. Nicholas walked over to the bath and turned it on. He grabbed the plug and placed it, then grabbed the bubblebath soap and dribbled a little bit in it. When i was finished, he walked back over to me and started softly putting my hair up in a bun.

'What are you doing?' I mummured, confused. Why was he making a bath? were we going to have one? He didn't answer me, then i hit me; I was the one havin a bath. I blushed a deep cherry red as he started to undress me. He then answered me in a deep, clear voice that sounded a bit husky to me.

'I'am about to treat you to a nice warm bubblebath. What here a second, you can do that, right?' He lloked down at me with amusement, i scowleded, and he laughed quietly. He brezzed out of the bathroom and was back in a couple of seconds with some of my favourite scented candles. I oogled at them, wondering why he chose to pick those up. He saw me looking at the candles and chuckled lightly.

'These are so you can relax and feel like you're at a day spa in a private room alone.' He whisked to my side as he said this and picked me up gently placing me in the water, it rose up towards his elbows drenching his shirt sleeves, he then grabbed a match and lit the candles one by one and placed them all around me, afterwards he turned off the light and sat down to wait, not trusting to leave me alone just incase i was sick again. Feeling self-conscious, i grabbed a body lofa and started slowly washing myself, starting from my shoulders and ending at my toes. I didn't know that i was watching Nicholas till he was suddenly kneeling beside me, his eyes on me with a hungry look in his eyes. I paused and looked at him curiously. His eyes snapped down to a drop of water slowly sliding down my colar bone and steadily gathering speed. It then stopped when it reached the tip of my nipple He shifted his stance a little bit, then looked back up towards my face, the hunger more pronounced than before. I swollowed as i felt a flutter in my stomach. He then looked away and took a deep breath, and then stood up. He mummbled an appolagy and walked out, leaving the door open. I just sat there wondering what was wrong. I then quickly finished up and hopped out, pulling the plug at as i grabbed a bathrobe and wrapped myself in it. I then blew out the candles and walked out of the bathroom. I stopped when i spotted him sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. I hesitated, then slowly and as qiuetly as possible towards him and crouched infron of him, placing my hands softly on his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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