Tempest - Chosen

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Dear Mum;

I don't know why this has happened.. I didn't have a choice in the matter.. It suddenly became apparent to me that I had to do this.. Maybe not for long. But now was the time to fully take a grasp of what has been bestowed upon me. May the heavens be with me in my course for a new beginning.. And a new era. Just remember that I love you and shall never forget you.

From your loving daughter and only heir 




A whisper. A name. A voice filled with desperation and malice. I whip my head from side to side. Watching. Waiting. When nothing happens, I continue on my way. I sigh with annoyance and agitation. This has got to stop. But anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself here. Let me tell you a story about a little girl who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Flash back...

It was a misty, foggy, wintry June morning in Nevada. I was awoken with the feeling of unease and a tad of fear. I sat up slowly in my bed so as not to make the bed squeak and to give away the fact that I'm awake. I look around my room groggily and hear a distant sound. I froze and held my breath. Then it stopped. I slowly got up and walked on tippy toe to my window and looked outside. Then I heard the sound again. I whipped my head to the side and stared hard at the door. I felt movement just beyond it. I held my breath and counted to 20 and then slowly walked forward. I placed my hand gently on the handle and turned it. I opened it slowly and peeked out, I gasped when I noticed someone standing nearby. I slowly edged my way out and walked towards the person. I was a feet meters away when they suddenly turned around. I froze in my tracks and started to shake slightly. It was the man from my dreams.

I heard a distant knocking coming from down stairs, I slowly krept towards the railing and peeked down. I was then ruffly pulled back with a little squeak and pulled against something warm and hard. I looked up and noticed the man looking down at me from where I stood. I gulped and looked away, I shook his hand off my arm and started walking toward one of the doors in the hallway. I opened it and found stairs, I started to walk up them not caring if the man followed or stayed behind. I reached the top and quickly walked over to a pile of boxes and crates and made a new pile at the window. I crawled on top and let my feet dangle off the edge as I looked out.

I heard footsteps approach my spot and feel a hand on my leg. I turned towards the noise and looked into the eyes of the man. He looked sad, I scrunched my nose up in distaste and watched with satisfaction when his eyes blazed with annoyance. I turned back around and looked out the window. I noticed a black car glistening in the distance. I then followed the cars point of direction and noticed that it was heading here. My heart sped up in fear. I quickly dropped down from my tower and bolted out the door and stairs and found my grandmother standing there holding something in the hands. I stopped at her side and looked up. I saw fear in her eyes as she looked down at me. She placed a hand on my shoulder and hugged me against her side. She then pushed me back towards the stairs, I looked up and noticed him standing there looking down. Grandma gave me a gentle push towards him. I turned around and looked at grandma she smiled sadly and nodded towards the top of the stairs, I humphed and stormed back towards him. He then picked me up and took me back up to the room with stairs.

He set me down, and I jerked away, ripping my nightgown in the process. I stared shocked, then glared at him, I stormed off and sat behind a box. I heard a sigh and then silence, I think I dozed off for a bit, but once I woke up, I saw only blackness with a tinge of red. I coughed and heaved, making my throat constrict with pain. I gagged and tried to stand, but my legs were too shaky. I felt around looking for something, anything to make the pain go away. I then felt a sharp pain at the back of my head, I screamed and tried to make it stop. What I thought was just a headache ended up being a hand with a fist full of my hair, pulling me up and making me stand. I screamed again as I felt another strong pull. Then I felt gravities pull, and then everything went black.

Tempest - ChosenWhere stories live. Discover now