Happiness comes with a Price

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"Come on!" Blade said as we entered the bowling alley. My aunt dropped me off as she went out with a friend of hers so I can't leave till she gets back. Which will probably be like at 10:00.

"I'm going." I responded.

As I walked in I hear music and pins being knocked down. I saw the group getting their shoes.

The group consisted of a few people. Blade, Hayden, Bella, Tassa, Ryann, Davis, Matt, Xaio, Khan, Dawn, and Sandra.

Tassa is a positive girl with short, and curly, gold-blond hair. She has hazel eyes that are always bright and she likes to sing and rap. She's the youngest in tenth grade and always making everyone laugh. She seems like the leader in the group, who brings us together.

Ryann is one of the smartest guys in he school, who is funny sometimes but mainly acts like a class clown. He has black hair and almost black eyes that are covered by black rimmed glasses. Though I have noticed he acts weird around Tassa. I think he has a crush on her, because he's always around her.

Davis is also a nerd, but he doesn't look like one, because he's really tall. But if you actually listen to what he says he is totally a video game nerd. He has dark brown hair and medium blue eyes. You will always see him with his best friend Xaio.

Matt is definitely weird. He's considered the cool guy. He doesn't do much, but I had a past with him. Let's just say, I tried to help him with something. He isn't really a nerd but he knows everything they talk about.

Xaio is a strange one. He's almost exactly like Davis, but he kinda does look like a nerd. He has a dark skin tone, and black hair with brown eyes. His jokes make us laugh; including me. I can see him becoming a good business man someday.

Khan is the strangest of us all. He's always in his phone, and even takes pictures of people without them knowing, though he can never get one of me because I always see him. He has pale skin, with short black hair and medium green eyes, framed by thin black glasses. He can be pretty 'cool' sometimes, as others would say.

Dawn is a rough girl. She's shorter than me and seems to say a lot of curse words. I don't like that about her. She screams a lot, but I find that funny. She has light brown hair with her tips dyed aqua. Her eyes are brown, and she has a small mole on the side of her nose. She's the one that makes sure no one is left out.

Sandra is Dawn's best friend, but she doesn't like to get involved much. She's thin and wears eyeliner. She has straight brown hair and big brown eyes. I think she has freckles, but I can't really tell because I don't look at people faces that much.

Blade opened the door for me and I walked past him. "Thank you." I faked a smile. I waited for him to come in.

"Hey! You ready to get beat ?!" He asked. I shook my head.

"Your the one who's gonna lose." I smirked and walked to the group at the desk. They all greeted me.

Tassa came to me. "This is the first time we're hanging out, outside of school! This is awsome!"

Matt chuckled. "Yup and I can't wait to see what you look like when your not happy, after you lose."

I got my shoes and we split up into three groups of four. My group included Blade, Hayden, and Bella.

"How about we do boys vs girls?" Hayden says.

Blade spoke up. "Yeah, I wanna go against my girlfriend." I secretly rolled my eyes at that word.

Bella comes forward. "But I wanna go against my brother!"

I finally stopped them and typed in the team members. It read, Hayden and Candace vs Blade and Bella. "There! Now let's get this over with so we can leave."

I looked over to the other groups. They had already started in such a short amount of time. They must have been here before. I picked up the bowling ball and rolled it down. I missed three pins, but get them with the second time.

"Wow! Looks like we're gonna beat you!" Hayden taunted. I sat down next to him and then saw Bella go. She missed four and got three with the second time.

"So close!" She stomped on the ground. I laughed.

Hayden smiled. "There's that laugh we've been missing." I then realized he was right. This was the first time I have truly laughed without anyone else.

"Well, I guess I've been searching for myself lately, that's why I acted mean and distant. But I know who I am now...thanks to all of you." I smiled back at him. It still felt strange, but something felt different. I felt more at peace.

For the rest of the night, we continued playing, and laughing. I even watched the others play their games once I finished mine. For the first time I felt like I fit in. Like I was truly normal.

When my aunt picked me up, I was still smiling. I thought to myself while we were going home. 'Am I finally happy?'

'I feel like I am, and I can't wait to be back in my own universe, I miss my powers. I want to make things right!'

I immediately went to bed and closed my eyes. I still couldn't believe I was happy again. I haven't been like this for years.


I opened my eyes to see a large lake in front of me. In the reflection I immediately saw the tree but it looked white. I looked up to see its dark outline against a bright sunset.

I shake my head confused at the reflection. It looked almost like an x-ray. But it was still amazing.

'Candace, you're happy now..you have learned new things in his universe, and you will keep these lessons with you.'

"I know I will!" I was excited to be finally going back to my original home.

'You'll be home when you wake up.., but just know that some of your powers won't be the same.'

I make a confused look. "What do you mean..?" When I heard nothing I asked again.

'I mean, that you were transferred to this universe with your luck power. It used all of its good side....that means things won't be so lucky for a while once you get back.'

I slowly looked towards the ground, but I kept my eyes on the tree in the reflection. "Does this mean...I'll have bad luck from now on?"

'Yes. Stay strong..I believe you can get through it and bring all the elements together into your team.'


'Two other elements have been recruited, but you have to find them and train them. Just like I told you to....'

'It's finally time.'


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