Apples and Oranges

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Apples and Oranges

“...and the final ingredient is one big cup of-”

“I swear, Grace, if you say 'love' I'm going to be obliged to hit you.” Brynn told her cousin with a glare.

“-love.” Grace finished with a smile making Brynn groan out loud and slam her face into her hands.

If she had been told last month that she would find herself in her cousin Grace's bakery talking about cups of love she would never have believed it.

Then again, last month her mother hadn't decided to blackmail her daughter into going to her cousin Grace's bakery.

For a long time, Brynn hadn't exactly been on the good side of the law. By the time she hit 18, her juvenile record was already quite long. Luckily, she hadn't been caught since then in any of the really bad things she had done.

However, last month, her long time boyfriend had gotten into a great deal of trouble with some illegal substances. Brynn had begged her mother, a lawyer, to help him out. Never one to pass up an opportunity, she had agreed on the condition that Brynn leave New York City and travel across the country to live with her perfect cousin Grace in California. Maybe if Grace lived in one of the cool cities, maybe something closer to the coast, Brynn would be able to deal with it. But Grace lived in a tiny town called Trenton closer to Oregon than anything resembling a beach. It was the sort of place where everyone knew everyone else, time seemed to flow slower, and everything was simpler and sweet; it made Brynn sick.

However, a deal was a deal and Brynn, after her mother got her boyfriend off, had packed her bags and reluctantly flown out to California. She had been forced to break up with her boyfriend, leave behind all of her friends, and, to her personal horror, Grace had agreed with her mother in that Brynn should work in the bakery.

Yesterday, Brynn had arrived in California at nearly six in the morning. Her short, choppy brown hair had been messy from sleeping on the plane. Her gray eyes had been foggy with sleep because six in the morning was far earlier than she ever got up. At nearly twenty-two years old, she had felt far too much like a child being grounded as she trudged through the airport trying to spot Perfect Grace.

Grace was just as beautiful and perfect as Brynn remembered. She was the opposite of Brynn in looks with long, flaxen hair that never had a strand out of place. Her bright hazel eyes had sparkled with excitement at meeting the cousin she hadn't seen since Christmas a few years back. Brynn had very nearly found herself hating Perfect Grace when she had given her the obligatory hug. She was tall and willowy and there wasn't an ounce of fat on her. Brynn wondered how a woman that worked in a bakery could be so skinny and flawless, it didn't seem right.

She had been taken back to Grace's home where her cousin had done her best to make up the guest room and make it as homey as possible. Brynn had relaxed in what was now her room, barely leaving in a small, pointless rebellion.

She had to admit, when Grace had called her out for dinner, that her cousin was a good cook. The tacos she had fixed for dinner were great. But the strawberry pound cake that had followed it had nearly made Brynn moan from the taste. Perfect Grace, of course, was a fabulous baker and it was a fact Brynn couldn't deny no matter how much she wanted to find some fault with Grace.

Grace had gone to bed immediately afterwords, telling Brynn that she better do the same because they had to get up early in order to open the bakery. Brynn had staged another small rebellion and stayed up until midnight, even when she was so tired she had to force herself not to fall asleep. It had been a stupid move though because Grace had woken her up at 2:30 AM because the bakery needed to open by three.

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