1. Test Your Strength

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"Today is the day.." I sighed, tugging at my dress shirt. I was already starting to rethink this decision. The FBI was no joke, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Before I graduated the police academy, my mother told me something I could never forget. "YN, you are the strongest person I've ever met. You can accomplish anything with that brilliant mind of yours." However, when I called her this morning, her tone held something completely different. "YN, are you sure you want to do this? The police force was perfect for you, plenty of adventure there." But I told her I had to go to the interview, this could change everything. Change the shitty apartment I have into a penthouse, the beat up Ford Fusion into a brand new Cadillac, and the police badge into a title of success I've wanted since I was a child. I had jitters throughout my hands as I clipped my seatbelt, too many car accidents happen without those. I was so nervous, I jumped when the cell phone buzzed in my lap. "Hello?" I gasped. "Hey, you okay?" Will. I breathed easy again. "Yeah, uh, no, actually.." "What's wrong?" He inquired. I pushed my bangs out of my face with shaky fingers. "Just nervous, I guess." I could hear his deep chuckle over the phone "No, you'll do great. Drive safe, alright?" "Alright." Will and I had met in a criminal psychology class, I knew he would do great things. Look at him now. I smiled, hanging up the phone. Will has been a great friend of mine for four years now, he took me out for drinks a few months ago for my 21st birthday, seeing as how I didn't have anyone else. I never really had anyone else, except for mom. I guess the excitement and anxiety were getting to me, because I can't remember how I began to swerve. All I remember was a screech, and scream, and a deafening thud.

I Think I'll Have Your Heart, (A Hannibal x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now