Gummy vs real

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I sat watching them eat the food towards the end bobby had 3 canisters

"Come join them ashley" bobby said

I went and joing them and bobby was smirking

"No this isn't ok bobby why are you smirking" I freaked out

"3....2...1 lift" bobby said

I watched Bryan and joey lift there's I slowly lifted mine and saw the spider I screamed and threw the lid and fell back words off the chair

"Omg babe" he ran over too me

The boys are laughing at me

"I can't eat that I'm scared" I said

I poked it and screamed like a,little girl

"Bro you girlfriend,is scared" he said

"Ill eat a leg"I told them

I ate a leg then I saw them laugh at me so I ate the whole thing

"Woah babe!" bobby said

"Taking it like a champ goo girl" Bryan yelled

I gagged a bit

"Oh girl that's the what ever part of the bobby that made me gag too" joey said bobby brought me the trash can over and I swallowed it

"Laughs at me agian watch what happens!" I yelled

"Damn girl chill" Bryan said

"I am chill chill like a bill" I said

"Ohhhh" bobby said laughing

We finished the video and I saw Matt walk in with luna

"MY BABY" I yelled pushing joey over and climbing over the table and jumping off and running to Matt

"Woah slow down love" he said

"I love her I'm sorry Matt" I said looking down

She giggled and went for me I grabbed her and held her and walked into the office


"You got a good girl on your hands bobby" Matt said patting my back

"Yeah I know you missed it she ate a spider remember joey couldn't do it?" i said

"She ate a spider?!?!?!" Amanda said

"Yeah she ate it" I told her

We went into the office and watched ashley and luna play with a nerf gun ashley was holding it among it towards us and,luna little,hands were on the gun ashley pulled the trigger and shoot Matt in the head

"Lunnaa" Matt said we all laughed and I enjoyed the day with my two cuties ashley and luna

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