18 - The Last Array

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"When we first started getting reports of those things appearing through various systems, all Militia forces were ordered to evacuate if we could, and relocate to Harmony," Gates explained as they dragged Al'cor between them. "I relayed your message to Briggs, and she decided that it was worth notifying the IMC over. That's when the ceasefire happened. Until all this is over, we're gonna have to play nice."

He grunted, "What, you don't think I can handle that?"

She sighed. "I do have to admit, I have my doubts ... mostly because of who we have to play nice with."

Rounding a corner, Tobias analyzed the scene quickly; in the center of what would likely be a lobby for a business building of some sort was a makeshift command center. Various riflemen and Pilots of various colors walked about the area; Hammond Industries, MCOR, Wings of Harmony, and-

Apex Predator.

He spotted the white and red color scheme of a somewhat familiar looking individual with their back turned to him and Gates. Upon hearing their footsteps, the person slowly turned to look at the new arrival.

"Oi! It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Tobias didn't exactly know how to react to Blisk's presence here. All he could immediately remember of the man was that he'd hurt KT, and that he'd known Tobias was imprisoned and consistently tortured. This was the man who'd been a part of making his life living hell, and so his thinking slowed to a crawl. He only managed to spit out one word with a monotonous tone.


Blisk mockingly looked himself up and down for a moment. "Yes, it's indeed me. Astute observation, Four." He wagged a finger in Tobias' direction. "I knew you had the skills, but I didn't know you had the brains too."

Al'cor momentarily forgotten, Tobias let go of her and began to walk forward almost automatically while Gates fumbled with the newfound weight in her arms. He reached out and grabbed the straps of Blisk's front armor plate, holding him up. The mercenary didn't even fight back, he just grinned smugly at him. Meanwhile, all the other Pilots and soldiers around them turned in shock to look at the sudden scene before them.


He ignored Gates' cry of protest behind him, and growled at the gun-for-hire. "You think this is funny? You had me tortured for two years. Two fucking years, asshole."

Blisk made a tsk sound. "Actually, I told you before; I never thought torture would break you, and I turned out to be right." He gestured towards Tobias' left hand, missing two fingers. "When that happened, I made sure to put in a word so that they didn't damage you too much after that. Even in spite of our obvious dislike of one another, I had respect for you. I may enjoy the thrill of the fight, but there's no honor in what was happening to you."

Blisk didn't need to know just how close they'd actually come to breaking him; his thoughts flashed back to the almost catatonic state that Gates and KT had found him in. But what he was really focused on was what Blisk had just revealed.

"... What?"

"That's enough!" A pair of hands grabbed Tobias, and firmly pulled him back and away from Blisk. He held on for a moment longer, but let go when he realized what a scene he was making. He looked to see a male Pilot separating him from Blisk.

"Trying to play the hero even now, eh?" Blisk chuckled in reference to the Pilot.

"Shut up," the Pilot said. Blisk shrugged, and crossed his arms obediently.

Tobias looked at the Pilot. "Who are you?"

"That's Cooper," Gates said frustratedly, and reasonably so considering that she was now supporting all of Al'cor's weight. He quickly rushed to help her. "He's a relatively new Pilot, and helped out just as much as you did with preventing the destruction of Harmony."

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