Chapter Two

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The next day:

   “Dahvie have you seen Ash today? She wasn’t in the room when I woke up.” Said Oliver.

“Not yet..but she probably went for a walk or something, knowing her.” He smiled.

I was in a car or something..It was a moving vehicle but I had no idea because there was a blindfold over my eyes. I was frightened and worried. I had no idea who had kidnapped me, or where I was going. I couldn’t talk because my throat felt like it was on fire. Probably because I hadn’t had anything to drink since I left the house..To mention it, I didn’t even know how long ago that was..

 Suddenly the vehicle stopped with a sudden jerk. I was waiting for someone to come get me but no one came. I started to think they had forgotten me when the back door flew open and someone reached in a grabbed my arm. They pulled me out of the van and shoved me onto the ground. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t, and I decided it would be better not too. So I waited until they pulled me back up and took the blindfold off my face. I was startled in the bright sun. It burned in my eyes and I had to blink to get used to it. A gruff voice growled at me to start walking and shoved me in the direction.

I looked around as we were walking and realized I had no idea where I was. We were on a public street but I hadn’t seen it ever before. I started getting uneasy. I hoped that Oli and the boys would realize I was missing and get help.

Oliver’s POV

I still hadn’t see Ash around 10, when we always had breakfast. That’s when I realized something was wrong, because she was never late. I walked over to Dahvie and Jayy who were watching some annoying cartoon on t.v.

“You guys, Ash is missing.”

“What makes you think that? She’s probably just on a walk or something..” Said Dahvie.

“That’s what I thought, but it’s 10 o’clock. We always have breakfast at 10, and she’s never late.”

“She probably just lost track of time, Oli, and she’ll be back in a little bit.” Chimed Jayy.

“She always brings a watch, it’s a present I gave her a while ago.”

“Just wait a little while. If she’s not back in an hour, we’ll call someone. Okay?”

“Whatever” I said. I was done. They weren’t gonna listen to me, so I would just go get help myself.

I walked over to the phone and picked it up. I dialed 911, and waited for it to start ringing. Nothing happened, so I tried it again. Nothing. I checked for a dial tone, and gasped when there was nothing.

“J-Jayy...Da-ahvie...We have a problem. The phone won’t work.”

Dahvie was clearly getting annoyed.

“Oliver it’s probably just broken, or covered with leaves or some shit like that! Go check.”

“Alright, I’ll go look.”

I walked outside, over to the phone lines, only to realize they had been cut. Shit, I thought. Somethings seriously wrong.

“DAHVIE! JAYY!” I shouted.

“WHAT???” They came outside.

“The phone lines have been cut”

“ WHATTT????”

“Yeah. Somethings seriously wrong here. Ash is missing, and someone’s obviously trying to scare us. Time to call the cops. Okay?”

“Yeah go ahead.”

So I grabbed my cell phone and dialed. They came about two hours later and we explained everything to them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2012 ⏰

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