The Awakening

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     I don't know at what point it exactly hit me that I knew nothing about anyone in any of my classes. That I had pushed everyone away so far they could no longer see me. Well that wasn't so bad. But I had liked it when I was popular. But I had been as long lived as all other fads. Short. I had my solid friends. Kids from my neighborhood. Us few kids had a joke once you move there, you be trapped in the family. Well that was great for a while. But our glue, Katie Stevens. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Moved away last month. And things had been different. We needed someone new. Well that was answered at a less than pleasant time for me.A family moved in next door. The truck woke me up at five on a Saturday. I really hated getting up early. But everyone else was up trying to get a peak at her. The girl looked our age but moved like lightning and didn't seem to fond of standing still posing for mental pictures. I threw on clothes I could only hope matched and ran outside to join them.

   The mother, as I would assume, had blonde hair. She looked older but still had odd grey eyes. She smiled towards my group and jerked at the girls arm so she halted. She was really pretty. Grey eyes like the women's. Paler skin though. Her hair was red. Not natural but not tomato either. She wore loose fitted black clothing. The women said something and the girl looked pissed. But soon she walked our way. The four of us sat on the curb across the street waiting. Maybe she was our new glue. Maybe she was what we needed. At the time I didn't know it, but I believe it is now the other way around. We are her glue and we are what she needed, but that is much much later.

   Jill at my right stood and shook her hand very formal. The rest of us guys just sort of waved. She sat on my left on the very end and couple of inches away. She spoke, her voice light. "Hi, my name is Mia. My aunt wanted me to come and meet you. She said you looked nice." Her voice. God that voice had so much packed into something so delicate. There were emotions layered onto of emotions in her words. I could tell whatever reason she was here with her aunt was something she deeply hated. A small artificial smile played on her lips and she still stared down at the ground. I noticed she had a tattoo around the back of her neck that was barely visible under her hair. All I saw was an H. I wondered what it said. This girl was such a mystery to me. It all confused me and she had spoken once in clear perfectly understandable words. Sometimes I over analyze things a little. This girl had my geek gears turning and I was determined to figure her all out.

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