Chapter XIX

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Check Out My New Book "The Bet"

Jas P.O.V

"Jas Jas JAS JASS!!" Shayla said waving her hand in my face to snap me out my daydream.

"oh what" I said looking at her grabing my freach fry eating it.

"Girl you been daydreaming alot man. I need to tell you what Kj told me" Shayla said rolling her eyes & sucking her teeth.

I didn't have time to listen to Shayla. I need to find a way to tell Shawn sorry...  I mean after the drug was gone from my body I started to understand what he told me. I feel so dumb.

"Jas you hear me!!! You know what nvm Ill see you after school ok?" Shayla said standing up from the table while the bell ring.

"Yeah please do cause I got alot on my mind" I said getting up to throwing away my stuff. When I turn back around Shayla was already half way out the damn cafeteria . Well damn we going to the damn class cant wait up for me.

I was thinking about skipping anyways , but i already miss a couple days already so fuck that. I was halfway to the class now when my phone started to go off.

Ugh great -_-.

Phone call:

Me: Hello

Unknown person:  You better watch your fucking back & your little boyfriend too.

Me: Boyfriend?  I dont got no fucking boyfriend who is this on my phone with this weak ass threat!

Unknown:  You going to see if this a weak ass threat or not real soon & dont act dumb bitch im talking about Shawn The person said hanging up on me.

What the fuck just happen. Now people calling me with threat. Shit pissing me off early in the afternoon.  My phone started to go off again.

WHAT! Why ARE YOU CALLING ME! I yelled through the phone without looking to see who it was.

"Ima need you to bring that 5 to a 2 please  " June voice came in.

"What you want?" I said with a attitude.

"I need you to come with me. To meet up with this lady & I need you to lie to her & say im off drugs. "

"I aint doing shit for you girl! Yo ass need help! you never home ! yo ass need to go to a rehab center !" I said pulling the phone away from my face looking at it stupid  & bring it back so i can hear what she say.

June must lost her mind to ask me for help like that. She never help me with stuff. Now she asking me to be her back up. Nah. She my sister but still I want the old her to come back.

"Jas you aint shit! you know that! you think your better then everyone! Stuck up ass"

"Well good dont call me again or ask me for shit with my stuck up ass shit"

"You need some dick in your life I swear"

"&Bitch you dont need no more of it. Why you still on my phone. You only care for yourself!  you didnt even ask if I was ok or where im living at now. you know what your dismiss" I said hanging right up on her.

I lean on the someone locker & close my eyes.

So much going on in my life. So much on my mind. I just need a vacation from all this. I unlock my phone & call the one person I know I can do that with.

Shawn P.O.V

"Damn Carissa you know what you doing" I said smiling.

"Well I was doing this for a long time so I should" She said blushes looking up at me.

"Shit you need to become  a professional chef . The way you cook this lasagna dont make no sense man" I said taking another bite of it.

"Well thank you bro" She said gigging like she always doing & punching my arm. but it was a weak one man lol.

"No problem" I said getting another plate & making my way to my room/the guests room.

When I got there. I put on the CNN.  Lol got to know what going on with the world man. My phone started to go off. I grab it & look to see who it was. Jas name show up.

Man what she want. Her ass going to tell me she hate me even more.

"Wassp" I said after I answer the phone.

"Can we meet up somewhere to talk" She said.

"Mann for what Jas? You aint about to tell me you hate me even more cause I dont got time for that shit"

"No I just want to talk I got alot of stuff going on in my life. I just want to talk to you Shawn"

"I dont get you man but Alright.  Where you at?"

"At school. I get out at 2:45 "

"Alright ill pick you up"

"Thanks Shawn I mean it"

"Lol yeah yeah get off my phone" I said hanging up finishing up my lasagna. I look at the time. It always 1:45 man damn I dont got time to make a nap.

The door bell started to ringing. I hop out the bed & headed downstairs to answer it. "I got it" I yelled out loud.

"Nooo I got it Shawn go back upstairs " Carissa said trying to push me back upstairs

"Girl df going,  Nah I got it." I said pushing her aside. Wtf rong with her.

She ran to the door & block it with her body now & put her hands out for me to stop but I didnt I grab her arm & push her aside.

"Df you trying to hide man" I said opening the door to see who it was.

"Oh shit Kj? Wtf you doing here?"



Jas *EDITING*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon