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"Is everything sorted?" I asked my assistant.

"Yes sir. All signed and security have been tightened. The list of people who are allowed to be on this floor has to be made. Your schedule for the remainder of the day is clear, would you like to do anything special?"

"No." Without further acknowledgment I left her standing in the den before retiring to my room. The day was too much. I expected the media to be in frenzy but not that bad. They hounded the airport, followed us to the hotel then to find another crowd this time larger at the lobby. I expected after four years they will forget what happened but I was reminded just how unethical they can be just to get a story.

Getting rid of the suit in exchange for loose sweats and a t-shirt was on top of my list. Comfort - finally. Standing at the floor-to-ceiling window I remembered the last visit my parents made. They didn't have to come to Prague but being the doting parents they were, they had to. The news could have been sent via email but knowing them they had words of wisdom to bestow. Taking over the empire was something I've known since I was ten. I was groomed to be a chairman and a duke. The title was passed down upon birth but the title Chairman will be done in two days at the MacTech headquarters right here in New York.

"I can do this," I said to myself releasing a deep sigh. Looking out at the city below a familiar ache showed itself. "Shit."

Hurriedly I found the paperwork I was working on during the flight and prayed it will be a distraction, now that I left the sanctuary. Let's see if it would work wonders now.

An hour into proposals for new projects, a new text came in on my phone.

I'm taking my leave. If you're in need of anything call the concierge.

At the mention of the concierge, the image of that redhead came to mind, that and her smile. No. My focus will only be on my work nothing else. Bitterly at the back of my mind, the mantra I've formed four years ago was on replay, the more I listened to it the louder it resonated in my head. I worked faster and delved deeper into the work my father passed on to me. I couldn't let it take over me.

"Meow!! Meowww!!"

"Well hello, there my old friends," I said looking around the room, absentmindedly stroking the heads of the felines now rubbing against my legs. It was dark out. Just how long have I been working. A paw was tapping my leg impatiently, "Very well Isis. I shall feed you. How about you Rhameses? Hungry?" I asked my two companions chuckling at their trusting eyes. Leaving my desk, the phone in the other room began to ring. Knowing only my parents and Annalisa had access to my landline I rushed to answer it.

"Sebastien," I answered waiting for the caller to respond as I prepared the cats' food. I wasn't in the mood for phone conversations at the moment.

"Good Evening Mr. McRoy. I was given the job of being your personal concierge when Ms. Annalisa is off duty. Is there anything I can help you with? Are you ready for your dinner?" The voice on the other end of the line unnerved me just as it did a few hours ago. It was filled with a melody that can calm any beast just as it raised questions in my head. Why did she have to call, I was only an inch away from forgetting her.

"I did not ask for such services. You are not needed. Good night Miss Callum." I briskly said ending the call immediately to make another call to my assistant.

"In all due respect, you are in need of help when I'm not around. The hotel chef has your preferences and is at your disposal. Miss Callum was highly recommended by Mr. Raymond. The direct line to her is 46. Have a good night sir."

I wasn't given an opportunity to air my views on this change nor was she wrong about my incapability to fend for myself after she leaves for the day. She has been in my employ since I stepped onto the soils of Prague and took the reins of being my caretaker, courtesy of my overprotective mother.

Releasing a sigh of defeat listening to the dial tone, I fed Isis and Rhameses while deciding to man up and ask for help. It was a big feat to admit this.

Dialing the number that connected me directly to Miss Callum, I found myself listening to the lilt of her voice when she answered. A mixture of professionalism and cheerfulness reached me, again it unnerved me, seeing her today in my suite did the same. Something about her I had to be on my guard for but on the other hand it felt like she saw right through me.

"Apologies Miss Callum. I dislike it all when plans are made without consent by myself." I responded to her greeting.

"Tell me about it," she said airily. She cleared her throat hastily, probably forgetting the way she was to act while on the phone.

"Sorry. What will you like to have?" she continued. This time it was completely professional, her fake sickly sweet voice somewhat amused me.

I smiled at her quick cover-up, it told me she wasn't a hundred percent into her duties.

"Would it be an inconvenience if I ask for a... Wendy's burger along with a milkshake from Sonic?"

The silence was my response from her, "Miss?"

"Oh. Becca is fine." She laughed.

"Becca. Very well." I said testing it out. It sounded perfect to me. Her laugh turned out to unnerve me also. It was music to my ears just like her voice. This time that melodic sound caught not only my mind's interest but another vital part besides my heart. What was it with this girl? "About my dinner preference?"

"Yeah, no prob. I mean it won't be an inconvenience."

"Thank you......... Becca. I take it Annalisa left a credit card with you. Please have Mr. Raymond deliver it." I said disconnecting the call.

Shaking my head I warned myself not to dwell on these unexpected happenings connected to the girl. I couldn't afford to get into another mess of a relationship. My focus will now be on the company and all our investments, even if it meant ignoring a red-headed beauty with a bright smile.

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