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Some problems or moments like love involved impact and are responded in the right ways but we all learn from our mistakes and our attempts. Nobody is perfect and neither is life itself.

No one should expect anyone nor anything in life overall itself to be perfect. Because yes that does impact one's mental health negatively enough and we need to rethink and recreate our definition of perfect with our reality as a whole society.

Makings perfectly or yelling or demanding others they screwed up like its such a bad thing, like its the end of the world if we mess up. They are wrong. And before I go on, that's the anxiety and stress talking, not you. If the stress and anxiety weren't in the picture, you would respond in the right ways in which remove the shame and stigma around mental illness and mental health.

To continue here, life is imperfect enough when we open our eyes, ears and minds, but we have to also bring ourselves back to the present moment and look around seeing everyone else going on with their day, not fearing the end of the world. Because that thought is just an instant feeling and belief but with no actual nor real proof to back up the belief as accurate to believe.

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