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Elle (image on top)

Waking up at 7:00 AM sharp, I hit the alarm before it even rings. Monday. The most horrid day of all. Hitting the showers, I take a ten minute wash to freshen up, as usual, I go to my makeup table, get out my tools and begin to work on my face. BB cream and concealer to hide the bags under my eyes, a bit of contour here and there, as well as a cherry lip tint to liven up my face a bit. Nothing too heavy.

Slipping on a grey knit sweater, and black ripped skinny's, I go down to have my breakfast, as usual, no one greets me at the table. The maids merely standby waiting for me to finish breakfast.
Looks like today's menu is crab porridge with some truffles.
Eating in silence, i savor the moment a bit, trying to focus on the positives of my life.
A big house to die for- CHECK
Maids to tend to my needs- CHECK
A large ass closet- CHECK
And enough money to eat at high end restaurants without a problem- HELL YEAH
I chuckle silently, Again, I'm thinking about food.

As i finish my breakfast, i quickly thank the maid, grab my books and head to my car. My baby- a 1969 ferrari dino 246 GT- I never get tired of looking at it. Apparently, my dad got it for me as a present since he forgot about my birthday last year. The year before, he got me a hermes bag, and the year before, a wii and xbox set.

It's great and all, but it does suck when your dad forgets about your birthday, especially when one of the boxes came from his secretary. I'm pretty sure the gifts were probably from the secretary, and not my dad. After all, when the letter says "boss, this is for your daughter's birthday, read it over when you have the chance and I'll send it" I'm pretty sure that proves something.

Not trying to be an unappreciative brat, but I would gladly trade this car for a day to spend time with my dad. It puzzles me how some kids love being spoiled by their parents. I guess I'm an odd one.

Driving to the school, I get whistles and greets from everyone, kenneth- my best friend- comes up and wraps an arm around my shoulder. We've been friends since I've moved her 5 years ago, after my mom died, my dad found himself with an 11 year old child he did not know what to do with. So of course, he left me to my nannies. Kenneth had found me playing in the arcade alone on my birthday. Lets just say that he's overbearingly kind and shares a love for shooting games with me- we became best friends almost instantly, especially when we found out we were entering the same high school. We're inseparable, he's basically my brother from another mother.

He's very touchy, but not in a perv kind of way, just in a "I love to cuddle and hug people" kind of way. He definetely has tons of girls falling head over heels for him, specially with his rugged 'idgaf' aura, but he never uses girls for fun- another reason why he's my best friend- he takes girls seriously. One time, he reprimanded a girl who tried to kiss him, saying "how would you feel if your future husband sees you kissing someone else? He would be heartbroken! Treat yourself like a delicate present got it!" Needless to say, more girls started swooning over him then.

People think we're together, specially because he loves hugging me, we never addressed the rumors because we both don't really care about the "Talk" but I do sometimes want people to think I'm available.

"Hey kenneth, do me a favor and remove your arms. You stink"

"Aww elleee" he pouted "I showered and put on tons of deodorant! My shirt's also new!  Smell it ! Smell me!" He whined, trying to pull his shirt closer to my face.

"I'm just joking kenny" I laughed "you smell great! What is that? Abercobie?"

"Ding ding!" He mused "you got it right! Ten point to misses elle waters" he joked.

We walked to class together, occasionally stopping by some friends to chat and laugh a bit, but since class was starting, I hurried in  and sat at an empty seat, kenneth on my left, by the window. His favorite.

I was getting ready for the same old boring introductions, but today, it seems that we were receiving a transfer student.
Mr hart-our teacher- adressed the class, then said " class, we have an exchange student today! His name is alexander peterson, be nice okay!"

As soon as the teacher gestured for him to come in, the class buzzed with excitement. In a small town like jacksonville, exchange students were rare, so whoever this was, he would definetely become the talk of town. At least for the next two weeks.

As the new kid entered the class, the girls squealed in excitement, I could even see kenneth looking over in interest- he's not gay (not that anything's wrong with that), but kenneth was usually sleeping in class- so for him to show interest in anything other than me, food and sleeping, it would be a surprise.

To my surprise, I too found myself looking over to the new boy, and again, I was shocked to see him staring right back at me. His face was definetely very handsome, with sharp features and soft blue eyes, even I had to admit that he had the looks and body of a greek God. His eyes held so much joy and excitement until kenneth nudged my shoulder to snap me out of my zoning out, as soon as that happened, the new boy's gaze scrutinized Kenneth's shoulder touching mine. Geez what's his problem.

He took the seat to my right and lightly poked my ribs to get my attention. "Hi, I'm alex, what's your name" he smiled.
Taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor, I took a pause before answering back with a grin "elle. Elle waters. Nice to meet you"

Little did I know that this encounter would trigger so much pain and loss in my life.
Little did I know that this male would one day be the one I hated with all my life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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