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      "Good morning, sunshine!" Sophia's mother greeted her daughter as she walked into the kitchen the next morning. "Do you need a ride to school today? I have off."

Sophia shook her head. "No, the fosters are driving me today. Did you know they brought someone knew yesterday?"

Sophia's mother widen her eyes in surprise. "Really? Did you meet this person yet? What is she like?"

Grabbing a plate, Sophia grabbed couple pieces of bacon and put them onto her plate and two pancakes. "Yeah, I met her when I went over for dinner." Sophia shrugged as she took a seat at the table. "She's quiet. The only word she spoke was about the bathroom and called Brandon's moms dykes. Must of not know they were lesbians."

Kate, Sophia's mom, took a seat across  from her daughter. "How did they take that when she said it?"

"Everyone was quiet. Probably they were shocked." Sophia answered as she took the last bite of her breakfast.

Before anyone talked, they heard a honk from outside. "Well, that must be the Fosters. Gotta go!"

Kissing her mothers cheek, Sophia grabbed her bag and walked out of the door.

"Hurry up, Soph! We don't wanna be late." Jesus shouted out the window from inside the car.

Rolling her eyes, Sophia opened the door from the back and entered. "I'm here. Don't rush me. You know how I am in the morning."

Mariana chuckled. "It's true! Always having trouble waking up whenever she sleeps over."


When they arrived at Anchor beach school, Sophia and the rest of the family got out of the car.

"Remember kids. Homework after school!" Sophia heard Lena shout as she hurried off.

Walking inside, Sophia reached towards her locker. After using her locker combination, she opened her locker and got out her books she needed for the day.

"So, who's that girl with the busted lip with Brandon?" A familiar voice asked from beside her locker.

Shutting her locker, one of her best friends Hayley stood beside her.

"Her name is Callie. She's staying with them for a little awhile."

"Hmmm.. Don't let her steal your man."

Sophia widen her eyes at Hayley "He's not my man. Brandon and I are just friends. Always have and always will."
"We will see about that." Hayley smirked and walked off.


After a boring class of Timothy's English class, Sophia walked around the hallways of Anchor Beach.

"Hey, Sophia." She heard her name being called from behind her.

Turning around, she saw Talya, Brandon's current girlfriend.

"What can I help you with?" She questioned the blonde.

"Is there something going on between Callie and Brandon? Saw them wondering off the school grounds."

Sophia narrowed her eyes. "Off the school grounds? Where are they going?"

Talya shrugged. "Who knows."

Sophia sighed. "Wherever they are going, hopefully not into trouble."


It was towards the end of the night, Sophia was in her bedroom getting dressed nicely for Brandon's competition.

She got interrupted when her phone rang. Groaning, she grabbed her phone off of her dresser and answered without looking at the caller ID "hello?"

"Hello. Its stef. Have you seen Brandon at all?" Brandon's mom asked with full of worry in her voice.

"Not since this morning. Why?"

"Don't worry about it.  Thanks." After that, Stef hanged up the phone. Now Sophia couldn't help being worried for her best friend. Was he okay? Is he getting into trouble?

Shaking her head, she decided to finish getting ready and get rid of the negatives.

Note: The next part is gonna be full of drama. I honestly can't wait to write it. I know this chapter was trash and I'm so sorry about that I will get better. ❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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