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This chapter is dedicated to @rheya_ reian.

♣️Chapter IV: What?!♣️


We are both walking through his car. Psh. I look at him and stop from walking he also did.

"What? What are you looking at?" I burst out in anger.

H was shocked from my sudden angryness "What's your problem?"

"You! Your my problem!" I even pointed at him and just continue on walking.

He followed me and hold my both shoulders to stop me "Is there a problem?"

"Oh nothing. Forget it, idiot" I whispered the last part. Tsk.

"What did you say?"

"I said idiot"


"Who might it be? Is there be anyone who can be called "idiot"?" I qouted it to just teased him.

"I don't have time to argue with you. If you don't want to be with me then it be. Leave if you want"

He is too short-tempered huh?

"Nevermind that"

He didn't reply and just hop inside his car. I just stared at the passenger seat and the window suddenly open

"Are you just gonna stand there?"

I look at him and you can see into his eyes that he is disgust. Now, he is the one who's angry at me?

I look away and crossed my arms, I march to the car, open the door and hop in.


"We are here"

I didn't reply.

I walked out the passenger seat of this car and straight to my house. I continue looking at my house keys.

Geez. Mom and dad will be very angry when they knew about this. Stupid me!

I'm gonna call them about this and asked if they can buy me new keys of this house or just made a new keys. Yeah with 's' so that eventhough it might lost I can have a duplicate.

While I was searching for it, I feel a person behind me. I didn't bothered looking on who is it and remain on searching up.

"Have you seen it?"

"Not yet"

"What time is it now?" This time I bothered on staring at him and waited for his answer

He checked up his G-shock watch and speak "5:26 p.m "

What?! It's already 5:26 in the afternoon. I need to see it now.

"Do you want to stay at my house just for the night?" He whispered and I didn't understand.

"What did you say?"

He bored his eyes into me. Those pure grey-orbs. It is very mysterious even it is covered with his innocent face.

"I said you can stay into my house for a night"

"Did you what?!"

"What? You don't want? Well,you can sleep there infront of your house. Bye"

I have no choice! I need a house to sleep with just for a night. Maybe he is not THAT a very maniac or a bad person to do something on me right.

I am like a rat eating the cheese in the trap to catch by the prey. Well, I have no choice and that's a reason.

"I- uhm. Quiet okay.. with that.. do you have any guest room?" I blushed when I asked about the room.

"I don't have but you can take my room. Acted as if I will do something. She will even answered okay tss" I heared it!

"Are you saying something?"

"No, I'm not, Ms. Picky"

"Stop calling me that"

"What if I wanted to call you that? What will you do?" He smirked and raised his right eyebrow at me

That smirked! I hate it when he always do that!

"Just stop okay"


He walked into the front of his house and for me of course, follow him.

He pirched up on his pocket, hold his keys and open the door.

"Come in, My guest" he teased


He chuckled and walked straight into his kitchen.

I scanned the house. Woah, it's supercalifragilistic-awesomely beautiful house! The interior design of this house is unique. It is like made by an architect.

They are made of high-quality kinds of woods. Yeah, woods. Shape of woods and framed woods.

It maybe look simple outside but very unique when you see the inside of the house.

I look out for a simple family picture or his puberty picture of him. But I was disappointed because I don't see anything.

I was mesmerized by the beauty of this house when I hear someone speaking on my back and look at him.

"Do you want something to drink or eat?"

"Coffee and cookies is enough"


He came back from the kitchen and prepared the foods.

I just walke to the closest couch and sit, I looked out for a television remote. There you are.

I power on th television and searched for a movie or kdrama that is nic to watch. Woot! Mean Girls! I sit in more comfortable way. Indian sit.


I glanced at him and in just a mili seconds I snatched a whole cookie and take a big stuffed on it.

"You want?"

I offered him my cookie with a big bit.


He was about to bite my cookie when I snatched it away from his mouth.

I thought he will going to refuse my offer.


"What are you, my mom? You go get your cookie. This is mine"

"Tss" he roll his eyes.

Yucks! He looks SO GAY. Is he?

He pick up a cookie on the plate and take a sit beside me. Not too close, not too far. Just an inches were I can be comfortable.

♣️End of Chapter 4♣️

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