Chapter 3

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*********************** Arriving in Sydney **********************

Gabby sat silently as her IPod earphones loudly playing music in her ear, blocking out the rest of the world whilst she remained deep into her book. It had been an hour since she, Amy and Molly had boarded the private jet, and Mr Cocky had made many attempts to hit on her, but Gabby resisted; instead choosing to hide away with a Nicholas Spark novel in the hopes he would get bored. When she first began reading the rest of the One Direction boys had walked down and introduced themselves to her mother and her sister; and they seemed like pretty decent guys. Gabby sighed, looking out the window to a cloudless sky. Even though the sun was out it was very cold, very typical for the middle of winter. As she adjusted her sleeves she thought back to when Amy tried to make her wear clothes a LOT dressier than what she had chosen to wear today, but Gabby decided that being comfortable was more important than looking sexy. Besides, she thought what she was wearing was actually quite cute. Casual, but cute.

“Excuse me but you’re in my seat.”

A voice interrupted Gabby’s thoughts; and she looked over to see a cute, blonde-haired boy standing next to her.

“Oh sorry about that I’ll just –”

He chuckled. “I’m only joking love.” His thick, Irish accent strong as he spoke.

“You’re Niall right?” asked Gabby, realizing who he was. “Niall Horan?”

“Indeed I am,” he answered, flashing a warm smile. “And you’re Gabby yes? The ‘only girl who hates us’?”

“Oh I don’t hate you guys,” Gabby answered shyly, embarrassed at how cruel his last comment made her sound. “It’s just Harry; I listen to your music quite a bit actually.”

“Yes, Harry told us all about how you rejected him,” he informed her, chuckling before pointing to the free seat next to her. “Mind if I join you? I promise I won’t try to hit on you like he did.”

Gabby laughed. “Sure, I could do with some company.”

Smiling, Niall sat down and made himself comfortable. “So what put you off Harry if you don’t mind me asking?”

Gabby sighed. “Well, he’s a little bit cocky for my liking. Like I know he’s your friend and all but, to be honest, I don’t know how you can stand him. Sorry.”

“Ah it’s alright Gabs-If I can call you that,” Niall quickly asked, to which Gabby nodded. “It takes a little bit of getting used to, but he is a great guy inside.” Gabby lifted her eyebrows in disbelief. “Deep, deep, DEEP inside,” added Niall.

Gabby laughed. “Yeah well, I’m not prepared to dig that far. Who knows what I’ll find,” said Gabby with a shiver, to which Niall chuckled.

Gabby smiled. “You know what? You’re pretty cool Niall Horan, please don’t become big-headed like Mr Cocky over there yeah?”

“Oh Gabs,” sighed Niall with a grin, “but thanks, I’ll try not to let all the girls throw themselves at me. Oh wait-” Niall paused. “- They don’t; cause Harry get’s all of them.”

Gabby burst out laughing and Niall grinned.

“Everybody we’re about to land In Sydney so could you please take your seats and buckle up. Thank you.” The pilot’s voice came through the speakers loud and clear.

“I’m going to go back upstairs, I have my own private chair with the others,” Niall said with a wink as he stood up. “It was nice meeting you Gabby.”

“You too Niall.” Gabby smiled as he walked away.

What a funny guy, She thought to herself, cute too.

Mr Cocky (ON HOLD - SORRY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon