snow angels ❄

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The snow glowed white on the mountain that night, not a footprint to be seen. A slender girl stood out plainly, silvery hair fluttering in the wind like ribbons of moonlight. Her blue eyes shimmered, like the icicles in the morning sun. She often came here to focus, to concentrate. With the matters at hand, she needed the peace and quiet even more. Her dress swirled around her body as she sank down to sit upon the downy snow. A sigh threatened to escape from the confines of her throat. It fled, and fluttered up into the crystalline flakes drifting down from the heavens.

❄ ❄ ❄

Jack landed nimbly on the slope of the mountain, gripping his staff tightly, sparkling snowflakes swirling around his ankles. He stepped forward cautiously, aware of a figure lying in the snow. He heard a soft giggle, then a chuckle. He took a step forwards, wanting to take a closer look. It was a regal-looking girl, moving her arms, and her legs, back and forth, back and forth. She was making a snow angel! A soft smile formed itself on his face. In his 300 years, he had never seen anyone look so angelic. Jack lay down next to the girl, and made an angel, right next to hers. Even lying down, he could see her delicate features clearly. She was slender, with pale skin, which made her rosy cheeks and light dusting of freckles stand out beautifully. Her long hair shimmered in the moonlight, and so did her eyes of baby blue. He sighed in wonder. She was, without doubt, the most majestic, and elegant, being he had ever chanced upon. Knowing she couldn't see him, he sat up, lifted a hand, and brushed his cold fingers across her cheek, which was surprisingly chilly. She gasped, and looked around, bewildered. Jack gaped. She had felt that?

❄ ❄ ❄

"Who's there?" she called out into the wide expanse of whiteness. Nobody replied, of course, but Elsa swore, she had felt a soft caress against her cheek, lightly, tenderly. Turning, she spotted a perfect snow angel, right next to hers. It was as if they were holding hands. Where had it come from? As she watched, footprints appeared in the snow next to her. Her heart beat faster, and step by step, the invisible figure walked slowly away from her. 

"Wait," she called out to the empty space before her. It made her feel a little silly, speaking to something, or someone, she couldn't see. "Please, do wait. I don't mind if you stay," She heard a soft sigh, then a throaty voice asked quietly.

"Can you see me?" Elsa shook her head. "But you can hear me, and feel me?" Now the voice sounded confused. Elsa voice shook.

"Wh-who are you?" she asked. The footprints started again, this time back towards her. She saw an indentation form in the snow, as if someone had sat down.

"I'm Jack Frost, the Spirit of Winter," he said, cautiously. "And, if I may ask, who are you?"

"I'm Elsa, Queen of Arendelle," she replied, then looked in Jack's direction. "Jack Frost doesn't exist," she scoffed quietly.

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"And how would you know that?" asked Jack. He felt a little wary. Of course, there were many people out there who didn't believe in him, but in a kingdom with this much snow? Where did they think they think it came from?

"Because, I can do this," He balked, as, in the palm of the queen's hand, there appeared a cluster of icy flakes, whirling around, like a frozen flame. He looked down at his shaking hand, and made his own tiny storm. She gasped as she saw the twin flurries, one seemingly floating in the air, the other in her hand. “You can do it too?” she asked weakly, sounding shocked. He smiled gently. He knew that tone of voice. He, too, had been uncertain about his powers at one time. Of course, that uncertainty had quickly turned to delight as he discovered what he could do. Looking over at the queen, he saw that she was staring at her hands, tears sparkling in her eyes. “You can do it too,” she mumbled, over and over.

He leaned over and put a comforting hand on her arm. “Shh…” he whispered. “It’s alright,” She jumped slightly, not used to feeling things she couldn’t see.

“Do you believe in me now?” he asked cautiously, unconsciously stroking her hand, softly.

❄ ❄ ❄

She exhaled shakily, and braced herself. She really did believe him. Of course, that explained how the sun came out in neighbouring kingdoms while it snowed in Arendelle, but Elsa had always taken it as granted, believing it was some unknown facet of her powers. She swiped away the tears, then closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she drew back, for there, where before, there had been nothing but air, there sat a boy Elsa's age, with silvery white hair. He wore a worn blue hooded sweatshirt and long brown pants. His feet were bare, and there was frost forming on his sweatshirt, but he didn't look cold at all. In his hand, he held a long staff, bent at the top, etched with intricate images of snowflakes and winter. 

"H-hi," she stuttered, shaken. Jack chuckled.

"Hi to you too, your highness," Smiling dazzlingly, he asked, "Can I ask you a question?" Elsa chuckled weakly, still flustered at his sudden appearance. 

"You just did, but I'll let you ask one more," Her smile widened when Jack, who she really didn't know well (she just met him, after all) stood up calmly and took a few steps forward. Then, she furrowed her eyebrows. Jack had started to build a snowman. With his back turned to her, he spoke in a low, husky voice. 

❄ ❄ ❄

"Will you be my snowflake," he paused, and ran a hand through his messy white-silver hair. "And fall for me?" Elsa choked, taken aback.

"What did you say?" she asked indignantly. "I-" She faltered, at a slight loss for words. She had just met him, her mind tried to reason, but when she looked up at him, he turned back towards her, waiting for and answer, she saw his eyes, blue like the clearest of skies, like the ocean waves on a sunny day, then a different blue, a steely blue-grey, like the colour of sun bleached forget-me-not petals ringed with the deepest indigo. As her gaze slid down, landing on his pink mouth, he licked his lips, and her heart fluttered. None of the courtiers, or princes from foreign countries had ever made her feel this way before. She forgot about her cheeky response, and sighed quietly.

"I-I think," Without warning, Jack reached out an arm and pulled her up from her sitting position, pulled her up, close to him. 

"What do you think, hmm?" His husky voice was deep, and Elsa's heart was pounding out a drumbeat within the cage of her ribs. Taking her hand, he brushed a soft kiss on her icy skin. 

In her family, Anna had always been the one to make rash decisions, but tonight, under the bright pearly moon and the shimmering stars, enveloped in Jack's arms, Elsa decided that, tonight, she would be reckless, and maybe have some fun for a change. 

"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place." she whispered. He smiled, and cupped her silky soft cheek in on hand. Dropping his staff, he closed the distance between them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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