Southbound 1/75

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We didn't stay too long at Roberto's friends trailer. Maybe fifteen minutes tops. When they came out of the back, I assume it was the bedroom, I noticed Rob had strapped on a back pack.  The kind middle school kids strap on their own backs  to put school books in. Before my cousin and I finally got ready to get on the road to Georgia, the man who hooked up the weed for my cousin, I'll call him heavy D., talked him into smoking a bowl "for the road, Dude" !  I'm not shitting, that skanky, six mile skunk weed. Plus old  Heavy sold my cousin seven hits of something  I have heard of and had no idea why Rob would even want it.  Adderal. Why would he want that shit? I  soon found out why. 

Course both of them offered me some. Hey, Rob's known me all my life. I have no filter. I looked at them both and told them that weed  smelled rank, smelled like six mile choke weed. And nope for Adderal.  Silence. From Jolly ole Saint HeavyD.. My cousin, who was  already smiling at nothing, chilling  from smoking his itty bitty roach on the way to his buds house, just laughed his ass off.  But before we left  that trailer, something, other than weed was whacking them both  out.. And oh shit,, it didn't take to long for me to figure out what it was. Crap.  I already bought the ticket to come back to michigan in six days no way ticket.  What did I get myself into? Oh well, I thought. I know my cousin is out there, but I spent my entire childhood knowing this kid, now this man,  knowing that although he would indeed take any extreme to the very edge, tip toes,with second joints  hanging off any cliff, he never would jump. And he never did. Wow! What an extreme adrenaline junkie, anything for a rush. Anything for a high. Oh yeah, you betcha yer arse,  he did smoke the evil weed, did some magic mushrooms on occasion,occasional hard liquor,  but what all his family understood, myself included, was, he had no death wish. Not like his father, not like his brother. He was truly one of a wild kind.  Interesting. One of a kind. But OH MY FREAKING GOD! ADDERAL!!!, What the he'll did he think he was accomplishing? My nervous break down?

It wasn't really that obvious at first about how Heavy all of a sudden started sort of looking around the small trailer front room,  or how his  head started turning to and fro, looking for something, then finding it on the cheap coffee table in the middle of the cramped room. Heavy seemed to find it. It was his cell phone. He picked it up, looked at it for a minute then put it right back down. Three seconds later he started doing it again. Where's my cell phone he asked bewildered. I handed it to him. And he looked at it, he  set it down in the same place and said shit! I couldn't believe it! What's wrong with you I said before I could shut my big mouth. Freaking cell phone. Jesus Christ Almighty, it was sitting on his raggedy scratched up coffee table. I picked it up and handed it to him. They were not  ten minutes, tops,  in that back bedroom. . Did the Heavy D take Adderal  before we arrived? The man then starting sweating, his arm pitts were soaked. He started walking  around that damned  table , talking to himself, looking around desperately for his cell phone. Right there I all but screamed at him! Right the fuck where you put it down! Unknowingly to me, my cousin had bought six or several adderal for himself. That shithead, I bet anything, adderal is similar to meth. Christ on a Stick! What had I gotten myself into? I sure found out soon enough!!  Whew!!!




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