Shadow hunt

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She woke up tangled in her bed sheets, feeling all warm and sweaty. Legs wrapped around the pillow, fists knotted in white bedding. It took a few minutes for Norma to calm herself down and steady her breath.

It was something new. These dreams that she had been having lately.

She was always just so used to having nightmares. Even though they were gone for some time when she first moved to White Pine Bay and it made her think that maybe this was it. That maybe she finally got over them, maybe she became stronger and it can't break through her new shell, her new life, new town, new house, and new bed.

But the nightmares came back after some time and she had to face the fact that there's no escape. You simply couldn't run away from something that was trapped in your own mind, scratched in your gut, pumped in your veins. And she just hated it. Hated herself. Hated that she was a living memorial of all the pain and all the tragedy she'd experienced and that it will always stick with her no matter where she goes or what she does.

But lately... It had been different.

It all started when she had cleaned Alex's cuts on his fist, up at her house that morning. After he told her about those curtains. That night she had the most vibrant dream ever. The dream where that event had an alternative ending. In her dream, he didn't just got up and leave like he did, thanking her for cleaning his cut. His response to when she asked if she was just one big problem to him, was different. How Alex told her that he wanted to be the only one to watch her. To think of her. How they kissed, he laying her on the kitchen table, with her legs wrapped around him and soft moans leaving her lips. How he whispered to her about his want to make love to her slowly and taking his time, making her blossom again and again... The arousal was what had woken her up that morning, sheets tightly pushed between her legs, looking for friction, body shivering, chest rising and falling way too fast.

It looked so real that it actually confused her. She went to his room that evening, willing to change towels for him because somewhere deep in her mind she had remembered him asking her to. What she didn't realise is that the request was also a part of that dream. That's why Alex looked so confused, seeing her at his door at 11pm. She argued with him, saying he was the one asking to come over and change towels in his room, clearly mentioning the time after his shift. And he sweared he had never asked her to do so and she probably confused it with some other guest's request.

Since then she's been having those kind of dreams quite often, even though over a month has passed from that time. The same event of her cleaning his cuts, ending with different scenarios, different places, his hands on her everywhere, making her skin burn...

She blamed it all on her lack of sexual activity. She hasn't been with a man for over 6 months now and she has been seeing Alex around quite often, so maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her and choosing exactly his familiar face as an object of her naughty dreams. At least that's how she tried to explain it to herself.

Norma slowly got up from the bed and headed to the window. Morning sky looked cold as ice but still and peaceful.

Hot and steamy morning shower was exactly what she needed at the time as the water had some kind of power to clean not only her body but also her mind, purify her thoughts. After about twenty minutes of standing under hot water stream, washing her hair carefully, rubbing, even scratching her whole body with light foams, steam filled with sweet almond scent hovering around, body finally relaxing, softening.

Norma left bathroom, body wrapped in fuzzy white towel, water dripping from her soaked platinum locks. There was no rush today as Norman was gone for the whole week, keeping Dylan company on the trip to Seattle, so there was no one to cook breakfast for. Norma never cooked for herself, she found no point in doing it as there was no one to enjoy her meals, compliment her efforts and cooking skills.

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