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Hogwarts. That's where I ended up. I knew that the war was over. I thought that the may have partially left when I was still unconscious. It infuriated me that no one could hear me, I needed to know where Nymphadora and Teddy were, needed to make sure they were safe.

I soon realised that none of my close friends were here at the castle so I apparated to the burrow. They were all there. They seemed to be mourning. I couldn't see Fred or George anywhere, they must be mourning in their room... Or... No I mustn't think like that. But then again, this is a war. I sat on the floor next to the settee with Harry comforting a distraught Ginny, but he seemed to be in his own world of though, with tear drops in his eyes, yet to fall. I tried to comfortingly stroke his knee but he didn't notice.

I decided that I needed to check who else was here, who else was alive.

Hermione was cuddling Ron who had big red rims around his eyes, that means that we defiantly lost someone dear.

Next I saw Molly and Arthur. Molly was still weeping into her husbands shoulders. Next there was Percy, at least there is a good thing that came out of the war. Percy has joined his family again, the weasley's are whole again. Then Hagrid. He was downing firewhiskey after firewhiskey. Sat next to Hagrid was Andromeda, she was holding... Teddy. Why was she holding Teddy? That must mean that... No! Nymphadora couldn't be dead!

I got to my feet and walked over to her, "please could I hold my son?" I asked gently.

She made no reply. Teddy however looked up into my eyes, his big blue eyes staring into mine. "Dadda" he said.

"No, honey." Andromeda said, recapturing the attention of Teddy. "No, daddy's gone. He is in a better place, with mummy. You'll see them again one day. They were hero's."

That was when I found out. I was dead.

I stayed down there to watch Teddy, he couldn't see me again after that day. I watched my funeral and the funerals of countless others. I cried at nearly everyone. But it was the day after my joint funeral with Dora when I decided it was time to pass on.

I went to the burrow, where Harry was looking after Teddy. When my son looked up he seemed to see me. His big blue eyes locked with mine again. "Dadda." I couldn't help but smile.

"Yes Teddy. But I won't see you for a while. I love you." I muttered.

I knew that I had to pass on now. Teddy was in good hands, and would grow up knowing the names of his mother and father. In my mind, all was well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2014 ⏰

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