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(Saturday, March 17, 2018)


I wake up in a tangle of sheets with a terrible headache and the dull ache of nausea swirling in my stomach and throat. A foul bitter taste lingers in my mouth, and a sick powdery film coats my teeth and tongue. I can't remember anything about how I got here. I can tell I am still in the damp clothes I wore last night, but that's it.

I suddenly have a horrifying realization that my phone, keys, and wallet are not in the pocket of my jeans. I've probably lost them somewhere. I scan the room in panic before I spot them sitting on my bedside table next to an almost empty glass of water.

What happened to me last night?

Why do I feel like shit?

I groan and sit up as the memories come back.

I remember going out to Dockside Bistro 21 last night with that girl Jordan. It was cold and raining so we moved inside. I remember drinking beer and eating pizza and then we went to another bar. I was talking to Jordan and then...

Oh fuck. I threw up on the sidewalk. I threw up on the sidewalk. And then she had to walk me home and put me to bed.

I'm so embarrassed. I'm so, so, so embarrassed.

I can't believe that happened. I can't believe it.

Suddenly, something in my stomach lurches and turns, and I know immediately that I am about to be sick again.

I pull myself out of bed and rush to the bathroom, nearly slipping on the smooth fake-wood floor in the hall as I go, but I don't quite make it to the toilet in time. I'm sick all over the white tile in front of my sink. Pain bursts in my head as a bitter liquid explodes out of my mouth.

I heave a couple more times, each time bringing up a clear liquid that is most likely just water and the tiniest bit of bile. I left everything I ate and drank last night on the sidewalk outside that bar.

I pull a towel out of my closet and wipe the mess off of my floor. I spray it down with Lysol and then get another towel and clean that up too. I throw both towels in the laundry hamper, brush my teeth twice and get myself another glass of water. Then, I grab my phone, head into the living room and lie down on the couch. My head is still spinning, but at least the vomiting seemed to dull the painful throbbing.

I turn my gaze to the window, trying to distract my mind from the building pressure and spinning sensation. Rain flies at the glass in great gusts of wind like fireworks. Each slap of rain is like bullets piercing my ears.

The pounding in my head returns.

I take a small sip of my water—all that I can stomach—and rest my head on the couch. I feel like I am going in and out of a tunnel, my head pulses forward, and then back. Light, and then dark. I can feel my brain squeezing against my skull, and my mind begins to wander off to half-asleep Limbo.

I don't know if I ever actually fall asleep or not, but suddenly I am awakened by banging at the door.

I sit up and check the time on my phone.

It's 11:13am.

I can't believe I slept for so long.

Another set of knocks sound. It must be my sister.

I pull myself off the couch and make my way to the door and yank it open. Alice stands there, soaking wet in her rain jacket.

"Andy!" she exclaims, rushing inside and giving me a big hug.

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