Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

After Andy and I spend some time catching up in the kitchen he attempts, once again, to go into my room, but I put Princess and Killer in there and he doesn’t go near the door again. Andy luggs his suitcase into the living room and drops it by the couch before joining me once again in the kitchen where I’m making dinner.

“What are you making?” He asks.

“My favorite,” I smile over my shoulder. I’ve changed into a pair of short shorts and a tank top since it’s gotten so hot out and I’ve opened all the windows.

“Pizza?” Andy guesses.

“No,” I roll my eyes. “You really have been gone for a long time, haven’t you?”

“Two years,” Something flashes through Andy’s blue eyes but he composes himself too quickly for me to figure out what it is. “So, anyway, I’m hungry and need to know what you’re making for dinner.”

“I’m making chocolate chip cookies,” I roll my eyes and turn back to my bowl and cookie mix.

“Need help with that?” Andy asks from his seat at the breakfast bar.

“Yes please,” I laugh. Andy walks over and stands beside me. “Um…why do you still not have a shirt on?”

“Do I have to put one on?” He almost whines. “It’s too hot out for me to put one on.”

“Ugh, fine,” I turn away to hide the pleased smile that spreads across my face.

“So what do you want me to do?” He clasps his hands in front of himself as if he’s getting ready to lift something heavy. I roll my eyes and shove a big wooden spoon.

“I’ll put everything in the bowl and you will stir, okay?”

“Okay!” Andy smiles wide and I laugh.

Fifteen minutes later Andy’s chest is covered in flour and he’s chasing me around the kitchen with a spoon of cookie dough. I run into the living room and he tackles me onto the couch and pins my arms above my head with one hand and is holding the spoon dangerously close to my face.

“You wouldn’t,” I squeak. The look in Andy’s eyes tell me he would.

“Wanna bet?”

Andy leans close to me as he smirks. I’m suddenly aware of how we’re positioned on the couch. He’s straddling me and his lips are hovering inches above mine. My breath hitches in my throat and my heart skips a beat.

“No,” I manage out after a few moments.

“Devin?” Andy asks.


Andy thinks for a moment and then shakes his head.


The two of us stay there for a moment, staring at each other. I can hear his heartbeat he’s so close. It’s keeping pace with mine- a mile a minute. Neither of us says anything, we just stare. It’s not awkward, or weird or anything like that. If anything it’s sort of…

“…hot.” Andy says.

Exactly, I think.




“I said I think the oven’s getting hot.”                         


Once again, neither of us moves.


The next morning I wake up at noon. I check my phone and I’ve got two new messages. One is from Andy saying he left already and that he won’t be back until five and the other is from Charles telling me that I better be ready to go at twelve thirty.


I text him back saying I will and then hop off my bed and wander into the bathroom. Andy’s leather jacket is on the counter and its still smells just like him. I hold it tight to my nose and inhale is masculine scent. It’s a good thing he isn’t home or else he’d think I was insane.

I take my shower and then get dressed in a pair of jeans, an Asking Alexandria T-shirt and a BVB bracelet. I do my hair and am just finishing up applying all the hair spray my hair needs when Charles honks his horn from my driveway. I grab my phone and head out the door.

“Hot,” Charles says when I get to his car. I roll my eyes and get inside.

“Thanks,” I smile.

“Off to the roller rink!” Charles says happily as he pulls out of my driveway and starts driving down the road.

For the rest of the ride he chatters on happily about his band and his new boyfriend, Tommy. I’m silent, since my mind’s on Andy and wherever the heck he is right now. His hair, his eyes, his laugh…the way it felt when he was on top of me…

“Hello? Earth to Devin! Knock, Knock! Anybody home?” Charles waves a hand in front of my face.

“What?” I ask, turning to him.

“We’re here,” He says, killing the engine.

“Cool,” I say.

“What’s on your mind?” Charles asks.

“Andy,” I say.

“Figured,” He chuckles. “That boy’s got one fine-”

“I know he has a fine ass, I know,” I giggle. “I spent all yesterday staring at it.”

“So? What’re you thinking about?”

“There’s something different about him, Charles,” I say. “He’s…different…but somehow the same…if that makes any sense.”

“It does,” He nods. “I mean, you two have been apart for two years. Are your feelings for him the same?”

“If they’re not the same, they’re even stronger,”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Well, yesterday, he was on top of me, and-”

“Wait, what?”

“He tackled me onto the couch because we were having a cookie dough fight…” I smile. “Anyway, when he was on top of me…something flashed in his eyes but I couldn’t really tell what it was. Like, does he feel the same way as I do, or am I just imagining things?”

“I don’t know,” Charles says. “Maybe. I mean, you have changed a lot.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“You’ve gotten older. He’s starting to realize that you’re not a little girl anymore. You’re a woman.”

“Thanks,” I look at him like he has three heads. “I think…?”

“You’re welcome,” He smiles.

“Now, are we going to have some ‘Devin and Charles’ time or what?”

“Let’s go!” He smiles.


(: I know I haven’t updated this story in like forever! I’m so sorry!

So I know this chapter is boring and all but I gotta start building up some chemistry between Andy and Devin ^-^

There’s a picture of Charles right over there ----->

Vote and comment :D lemme know what you think

PS this has not been edited I was in such a hurry to get it up that I didn’t have time so I’ll probably go back later and edit it (:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2012 ⏰

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