Chapter 1

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Damn, I am never drinking again.

Carpet imprint on your face is never a good look.

Sluggishly pushing my body up from the floor with my weak arms,still in their drunken state;I searched my surroundings to access the situation.

Trashed University common room: ripped curtains, bottles scattered haphazardly, bodies also scattered in their alcohol induced slumber, underwear?

Many, many bras over the light fittings and sofa.

Panicked, I checked that my own bra was still intact, thank jesus drunk me still had some common sense.

Looks like I just joined Party University USA.


Annabella Sterling

An English lady like me needed to get used to her new life style.

When Mum told me to act outside my norm, I don't think this is what she had in mind.

You see, I am what you would call an over achiever, ok so some ignorant others call it boring. I guess to Americans I'm a 'dork'. Therefore my University choices included Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick, Royal Holloway; posh, upper middle class, old fashioned.

However, the educational system seemed to have other ideas when they increased the expenses. So with my single parent family I couldn't afford what my mainstream dreams had wished for and was made to, as my post-hippie mother would call it 'think outside the box'.

So, that's where I am 'thinking outside the box', in an obscure Washington University called Immortalitas Vincit, surrounded by drunken students. Totally outside of my comfort zone. Trying to let loose and be a bit 'crazy' for once.


Stumbling out of the common room to the narrow hallway that encompassed our quality accomodation, sense my sarcasm, still feelings the after effects of last nights boose up I found my room.

12A. A number I would call home for the next four years of my life.

Stepping over the trashed couple outside my door, I entered my room that was worringly left unlocked. Maybe, drunk me didn't have so much common sense.

I had decorated yesterday, pretty much immediately after I arrived, excited to make my mark on the place.

My place was still left intact, I thanked the heavens; posters of my favourite indie banks still hung blue tacked to the wall, my classic literature pieces still neatly in a row, everything still left intact.

My surprise at my rooms kempt nature soon left as I saw the red stain on my new cream rug.

Ok, I'm going to sound neorotic but it's a massive dark red stain on my new cream rug.

Sighing in distain, I resisted stamping my foot and sat harshly on the stool in front of my vanity table.

Looking to myself in the mirror I wondered how I could ever have gotten myself into this situation.

I had worked hard so that I would have a better life for myself, better than what I had growing up. Now it all seemed to have been wasted time.

Surrounded by people who didn't seem to want to take their education seriously, and now I had been stuck here and made just like them.

Drones of the dregs of society.

Drunk, stupid and futureless.


After my depressing series of internal depression, I took a deep breath and wiped the corners of my eyes.

I wouldn't cry, I would persevere.

Looking to myself again in my mirror I studied my face.

Wavy auburn hair , pale flawless skin and burnt copper eyes.

Nothing like my Mother, but I had inherited her strength and courage.

If my Mother was anything, she was strong, the reason I aspired for more in life.

Apparently I was pretty, back in England some people had a determined dislike for me because of how I looked. I was a bookworm and therefore  not very socially applicable, so I was then pegged as stuck up and arrogant.

Petty ignorance, what they didn't know is that I just did not care.

Looks did not matter to me, education is worth so much more than that.

Sighing in contemplative realisation that I had literally no social life, except for last night since getting this beer breath and hiccy did not appear spontaneously, I looked down to study my vanity table nonchalantly.

Until I felt a stabbing pain in my neck when bending it.

Looking back to my reflection in frustration, I spotted the hiccy I sported was infact not a hiccy at all but large puncture marks.

Great, so now I was not only part of Party University USA, but crazy masochistic drunken bondage.

My life was begining it's journey of going down hill.


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