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Hello, Readers! This chapter is really long for you, so I hope you like it! I worked really hard on it so please enjoy!


| Chapter 7 || On My Side |

Pitch cackled as the fear set into Lupa's eyes. He relished in the sweet scent of her agony. He bathed in the delectable aroma of her terror.

'Yes,' he thought maliciously, 'You should be afraid.'

Unfortunately for him, his plans were ruined. Jack Frost swooped in from above, and Pitch knew that he didn't have much time. He had to take Lupa and escape to his lair before the Guardians saved her. She would ruin his plans. He'd heard what Manny had said about Lupa being able to put an end to his evil. He'd fought his way past the defences of the pole to hear that one line and was immediately overcome with anxiety. He hid it well, but within, he grew paranoid with every passing second that she spent with his enemies.

"Lupa!" The annoying voice of Jack Frost called out. Pitch lurched from his thoughts. He turned his thin pointed nose up to the sky, seeing the Guardians flying closer; Jack was leading the way.

Seconds after, Pitch met Jack's gaze, sending the boy a sickening grin. He forced his shadows tighter around Lupa, whose once vibrant skin had turned ashen grey from the lack of oxygen. Even spirits needed to breathe.

Jack's icy eyes widened, then narrowed, and he tucked his limbs into his sides, diving towards the pair. He was getting closer by the second, and Pitch acted quickly. He waved his left hand, still holding Lupa with his right, and brought shadows up to cloak them. Covered in the thin veil, Pitch could still see everything of the outside world, though darkened. Soon, the shadows folded in on themselves and both Pitch and Lupa plunged into pure darkness.

They were gone from the park.

Jack was just barely able to slow his descent, stopping himself from crashing into the ground. His bare feet touched down on the slightly damp cement path next to the bench, but he didn't register the feeling of the rough stone slightly scraping his flesh. His head whipped from side to side, eyes scanning every blade of grass, every leaf of every tree. His pupils expanded as the darkness of the night set in, the black pools nearly covering his light blue irises.

He searched desperately, looking for anything that would lead him to his newfound friend.



After the darkness, Pitch was met with the familiar dim lighting of his lair. He smiled as he gazed upon the vast caverns and looming stalactites. Dragging Lupa's limp body along, he rose on a pillar of shadows to a large iron cage that hung from the ceiling.

The iron bars melted before him, and he tossed the unconscious spirit inside. Her body made a dull thump as it hit the floor of the cell, but otherwise, she didn't stir.

Pitch left her there, her body twisted into an awkward shape. He sat on his throne, fingers intertwined as he thought deeply about his next move against the Guardians. He had their most prized piece; he owned the board, but he still hadn't taken them down. Chance hung in the balance. They could still win everything back if his next move had even a single mistake.



My eyes fluttered open to stare into dark nothingness.

I knew that my pupils glowed slightly green in the gloom, as some of my animal abilities were tied to my human form. It wasn't enough though, so I quickly shifted forms. My wolf eyes revealed a shadowy cave, one I immediately assumed to be Pitch's lair. It was large and unilluminated, the perfect environment for the King of Fear. Stone bridges connected ledges all around, leading any unsuspecting intruder along a maze of pathways. As my eyes wandered, I saw tiny golden cages hanging from delicate-looking chains all around the cave. Right away I could tell that they'd been made to old Tooth's adorable little helpers.

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