Chapter 2: The Tributes

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Jack Steven stood still, struck with horror.

I-I-I have been reaped! he thought. My life is over!

He broke down and wept. Well, it was Minecraft, so it was more of a he-crouched-and-placed-down-a-water-bucket-down-in-front of-him-which-flowed-all-over-the-place type thing. But still.

24 people and their families would have to live in complete terror for the next week or so. It was really sad to watch and think about for everyone else. Billy, didn't know about everyone else, but he knew he couldn't bare to watch it, or, like he would have to do in this case, think about it.

Every now-a-tribute who had just been reaped was crying/putting down a water bucket. There was nobody who wanted to act tough and trick the other tributes I to thinking they would be a hard opponent to face.

But of course, nobody was tough enough for this. In this server, once you die, you can't respawn. They have put it in hardcore mode, and no one could change it back except the president.

"Okay guys," said the escort. "It's okay to stop crying now!" But nobody did. They all just kept, well, you know, while she stared at them impatiently.

"Come on!" she pleaded impatiently. Still, no one stopped.

She sighed. "Crybabies," she muttered.


"Goodbye! I-I hope y-you w-win!" sobbed Cooper Cooper's mom.

Suddenly, the double iron doors open and a Peacekeeper invaded the room. He grabbed Cooper's mom by the legs and pulled her away. She tried to grab a table, but she was no match for the Peacekeeper's insane strength. The Peacekeeper slung her over his shoulder and walked towards the doors.

"I'll do m-my best!" he replied. He wanted to do something about it, but then the president would just force the Gamemakers to extra hard on him, so he knew he had no choice but to sit still on the leather couch.

"I lo-" Cooper's mom began, but she was led out of the room and the doors were shut.

"I love you too" Cooper said even though he knew his mom couldn't hear him. Then he burst into tears. Well, actually, you know.


Justin had to admit, it was a nice train.

All the tributes had just boarded the train that would bring them to the training center and the arena in the Capitol.

How do you even make a train in Minecraft? Justin thought, amazed. It must've been some very clever redstone work. Boy, the Capitol sure is amazing.

But they're also cruel, the other side of his head argued. Don't get distracted by the good stuff.

You're right, Justin agreed. I should know that they're actually an enemy.

Justin Toiler was the only tribute who wasn't crying (from now on, crying means putting down water buckets). He was exploring the train.

But seriously! Justin thought. How do you make a train! You'd have to get the pistons to move every single block used to make the train. How do you do that?

Hey! the other side of his head snapped. What did I just tell you a moment ago!

Oh, yeah, Justin apologized, remembering that he had agreed. Sorry about that.

Justin secretly decided to figure out how to make a train later. It wasn't important now. He waited for a moment, making no thoughts except the hope that the other side wouldn't start snapping insults, but, to his relief, it didn't. So he continued hi thought. What was important was figuring out how he would survive. But to do that, he might have to meet the tributes, maybe make an ally or two for the Games.

Just then, someone shouted, "Dinner!"

What luck! Justin thought. Perfect timing! Now I can meet the tributes!

Good, the other side of his head complimented. Put survival first, then rebel against the Capitol, then think about trains. Justin swore he could hear the voice laugh at that.

Eeveryone came tumbling out of their rooms and to the table where dinner was being held. There eyes were red, and one was even holding a bucket of water, meaning they had been crying the whole time and still wanted to.

For dinner, there were steaks and milk, and for dessert, cake.

Everyone was silent while eating, but Justin broke the silence.

"Hey, what's your name?" Justin asked the tribute to his left.

"Rob," he said flatly, without looking at him.

Justin frowned. "I'm Justin," he said.

"Cool," replied Rob, still not looking at him. Justin shook his head and turned to the tribute to his right.

"What's your name?" Justin asked him.

"Steve. What's your name?" he replied enthusiastically. That's more like it!

"I'm Justin. How do you feel about the games?" Justin asked.

"I'm kinda scared." Steve admitted. "I don't think I'm good enough to win. You know, you sound kind of like the interviewer!" They both laughed.

Justin stopped laughing and said, "Me niether. I'll have to meet everyone if I want to win."

"What? Is that why you wanted meet me?" Steve sounded disguted. "Well, I know that you're certainly not gonna win, becuse I'll be after you." Steve turned away.

So much for an ally, the voice smirked, and Justin smacked his head, thinking he could smack the voice. He cried out in pain and everyone stared at him.

"Sorry," Justin said.

One by one, everyone started finishing their meals. They were allowed to go back to their rooms when they finished eating, and that's exactly what every single person did. Justin had a feeling that no one would team up during the Games.

Justin was the last one to leave the dining area and go back to his room.

Justin slumped onto his bed. He had only made enemies today, no fiends.

Maybe he couldn't win.


Hey guys thanks for reading these two chapters. i think I'll be able to update by next week. Thanks!


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