The World is My Marshmallow!

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All I ever wanted was to be rushed off my feet by a handsome knight and we would ride off into the sunset somewhere. I have never asked for much, not really, maybe apart from being able to gorge myself on chocolate and not put on any weight. Yet I guess we cant ask for miracles.

Right I suppose I should tell you my story, who I am, whats going on etc , etc. My name is Alannah Rose. I am a student studying photography. I’d say I wasn’t too bad at it either; I love photographing nature, I can snap away for hours, completely losing myself and probably not realise a bomb has hit the nearest town to me. Okay, well that’s never happened. But you know, if it did, Im sure I wouldn’t notice.

Oh, I am also English, studying in the US. I made the decision to come here to study, well more pushed actually, my lovely Father made me, apparently I was too much trouble for him to handle so he shipped me off here.

Too much trouble.

Yeah, I go through a major breakdown and he ships me over the Atlantic! Hah, great idea! I mean, I could have dealt with being just shipped off to Scotland or Wales or something, but America? I don’t get how I am related to him, I honestly think that if he had the chance he would rinse all DNA strands related to me, just so he could have absolutely nothing more to do with me. I may sound harsh, living with someone like him, you kinda get hard to it, but essentially the reason that he never really wanted to deal with me was because I wasn’t a boy.

Yup, you heard it here first, because I don’t have a penis, I am no longer worthy of my father’s affections.

Saying that, it isn’t all doom and gloom. I met some lovely people when I was at school, well, one anyway. Casey, my best friend, I met her in my first year, but it was 11th grade when I moved from England; she was bouncy, always cheerful, enough to make you sick. But with Miss Misery-guts over here it seemed like opposites attract, and we formed an unwavering friendship over a love for Studio Ghibli films.

It was so difficult adjusting to the way American schools worked, I couldn’t believe that it's actually like the movies, I mean who believes anything that movies show you? How wrong I was. You saw the plastics walking round sneering at everyone, the Jocks being idiots and picking on the unpopular people. I remember my first day like it was yesterday, and I was completely and utterly gobsmacked.

However I was definitely the new girl, no doubt about that, and I wasn’t skinny either, I knew I was going to be the laughing stock of the whole entire school. I am sure that would have happened, if it wasn’t for Casey, she saw me drop my books, curse in my English accent and she came running, I am sure this was really odd, Casey was part of the popular group, not the main girl, but she must have felt sorry for me, until she saw my art book full of scribbles of Howls Moving Castle. I’m sure I saw her have some funny turn, as she raised the book at me and squeaked. It was then she bounced around saying that she hadn’t found anyone else that was remotely interested in it and that I must be her movie partner.

Since then we have been inseparable. Hah, I think because of her I had an easier ride, I just sort of blended in and it was soon old news that I was the new girl. It was pretty much uneventful, unless I saw anyone that looked remotely like… like, him.


I can’t talk about this yet, it still gives me the shivers when I think of him, and it’s not a good feeling. I am sure in time it will come to light what happened but until then, I don’t think I could possibly say. Its just too hard; I used to love him, I thought I did, like if I wasn’t with him my heart would break. If only I had seen what he had been doing to me, and by the time that I had realised it was too late.

And thats when I had my break down, and that is why I am here, sitting at my desk trying to finish off my assignment for my presentation, and barely paying any attention.

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