lovelikefrikenwoe (Available)

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1)What type of stories would you like to edit, and is there any genre you won't edit?

I can pretty much do any genre but horror, yup horror creeps me out ;( lol. and I love Romances so that will probably do to.

2)Is there any regulations that you have or want?

Not really, but them being specific on what they want done.

3)How would you like to contact the person?

I prefer getting emailed so it comes in one whole piece instead of chunks. :D

4)Is there any other information you want to add?

1. I'd love to be called Sammy Jo instead of LoveLikeFrikenWoe within the group and , i guess you'd call them clients.


2. My Email is and trust me it gets checked every five minutes except at night so I'll always get an email.

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