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I'm sad to say that I'll have to be deleting some of the categories for next NWA. There weren't very many entries for quite a few categories and I had to combine a few reading lists. So instead, I'll be combining categories.

The Itachi Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha will become the Uchiha category. Of course Tobi/Madara/Obito and other Uchiha stories are welcomed here as well.

The Deidara and Sasori categories will be combined back with the Akatsuki category.

I'm sorry to say, but there aren't a lot of stories mostly based on Naruto, so I'll be getting rid of that as well.

Besides that, everything else stays the same.

NWA Team!

That's right! I require assistance! Doing this by myself was fun but I could use a little bit of help. The NWA team will help answer questions and help create the awards. I hope your artistic! As for counting the votes and taking entries? Weeeell I can already see that turning out badly..

But you will get to help take a vote on some of the extra results. Like the catchiest story title. Each member of the team will also get to submit their favorite book cover out of all the covers and then everyone in the team will vote on their favorite out of the bunch. I'll need one person for each category to be on the team!

To be a team member, you'll have to meet these requirements!

1. You MUST be active. If your inactive for more than 3 weeks, I'll remove you from the team.

2. You have to be a Narutard, I think it's only fair that Naruto lovers get to be a member.

3. I believe Naruto lovers should have a say in this. A Narutard has to second the motion! In other words, if you ask to be part of the team, someone has to agree that they think you'd be a good team member. This keeps bullies and such from becoming a member, and at LEAST ONE person has to be the one to give me the A ok that you'll be good for this. If you have more than one, that just shows me you've earned a spot on the team!

4. Don't be in for the hell of it. Say the only open spot left was someone for the Kiba category but you don't really like Kiba but you also want to be a part of the team. No. If your gonna be a team member you have to like the category you choose to be in charge of.

5. Don't be a bully. If I hear your giving a participater a hard time, I'll have no choice but to dismiss you from the team, sorry.

6. Be artistic!!! Even if just a little, I need help with creating fanart for the winners! Each team member is responseble for drawing either in real life or online, the fanart for the winner of that category. I'll let you know the winner the day voting/tie breakers close so you have at least a day or so to make the fanart. It's only one picture and it doesn't have to be colored or have much detail. Make a chibi if you feel like it. You can look at the winners story for ideas but don't ask them questions or you could give it away that they won!

7. You'll have to put on your profile that your a member of the team and the category you'll be in charge of. There will be only ONE person for each category. If you happen to be busy during the NWA for some reason, you may choose to put a friend in your place until you get back, just let me know and let me know who.

Categories you can be in charge of

General Naruto


Kakashi Hatake

Kiba Inuzuka

Sabaku no Gaara


One Shots

Mixed Media

Favorite Ship

Have any questions? Go ahead and ask me!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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