He makes you feel less insecure

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He makes you feel less insecure

Ashton: "TIME FOR DINNER" Ashton's mom screams You were visiting Ashton's parents this week to introduce your self. "Thank you but I'm not hungry" you slowly say back . "I don't feel so good" You run to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror "am I really that fat" You suddenly heard the door open and you jumped up "Y/N please don't starve yourself" you felt a tear come down your face "Your beautiful just the way you are." "I'm so fat" you reply "Your not fat beautiful, your perfectly fine. I love you to pieces . Please go eat your food.. It's your favorite ! Mac and cheese " You grab him and give him a huge hug "thank u" Ashton kisses your head and walks you back to the dinner table "IM HUNGRY!! yay Mac and cheese " you shout and wink at ashton

Calum: You woke up with a loud sigh . Your boyfriend has been out of town for at least 2 weeks. You loved him so much, it was so hard not to see him. You go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. After the shower you grabbed your makeup bag and started applying concealer to hide you're problem areas. You knew that calum didn't like it when you wore so much makeup . You said to yourself "calum isn't here anyways". "I am now" You jumped when you heard Calum's voice. "Princess, what did I say about wearing so much makeup" He grabs your waist and kisses your neck from behind. You let out a soft moan and dropped the makeup. "I love you just the way you are " He said .

Luke:It was 11 in the morning, You knew Luke wasn't a morning person. Especially because last night the concert ended at 12:00am. You quickly changed into your gym clothes , hoped in your car and headed to the gym . You were so self-conscious about your thighs, once you got into the gym you ran on the treadmill for 40 min then did the bicycles. "Babe turn around"- that text was from luke and u had no idea what he was talking about so you turned around and saw luke . You were shocked "babe uh I don't know how to explain" you say "Listen Y/N your beautiful , no one cares about thigh gaps. Have u heard a boy ever say 'oh yeah well my girlfriend has a thigh gap it's so attractive'? No" I slowly felt the butterflies build up in my stomach "I love you Y/N please stop" he said that as he grabbed your stuff and went into the car with you.

Michael:Your boyfriend wasn't home and you were feeling really worthless. For the past couple of days you've been receiving hate from Michael's fans on twitter "Your an ugly slut . Michael is to precious for you" you read "Ew no one likes you why did @Michael5SOS pick you?" You continue reading them sobbing and screaming "IM USELESS" As you pick up a knife you Cut your skin multiple times . until you heard your door open "STOP Y/N STOP" Michael walked in and comforted you. "Shh babe your ok" You kept crying into his tight grip "They just are jealous . Please babe" You stopped crying slowly because you knew it hurts Michael when he sees you crying. "thank you Michael" You whisper as he whips your tears off your cheek. He kisses your head and says "Everything will be alright"

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