Chapter 3: We meet again

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Now me, Young and The 10th prince were walking around the palace together, I must say I was very impressed by Young and Eun chatting like they never met each other for ten years, I say they got along well, like real brothers.

Just reached the place that the King's wives, princes and princess could sit and take a rest, we saw Queen Yoo was there, as well as the other princes and Princess Yeon Hwa. "They are the princes and the princess! Oh and the queen too!" Young exclaimed. He was quite nervous around new people, especially when the new people were powerful and most importantly, they were literally 'noble people' dude. "Young ah, don't be scared, they are very nice, Hyung and your noona can walk over there with you!"

Immediately Young smiled like a child who just got candy from his mother, "Really!? Then let's go!" You and Eun chuckled at Young's enthusiasm, kid these days, geez, too energetic for me though. "Oh Soo Jung and Eun, you two are here. Eun is handsome as always and Soo Jung is been a long time, you've grown into a beautiful lady." Queen Yoo beamed. I blushed and said a thank you. "And who is the little boy?" Well glad the Queen asked, as Eun was the only one knew my baby brother.

"He is my brother Young, Queen Yoo. He was bugging me to bring him to the palace and have a tour." Then the servants of the Queen set three more seats for us and let us have some tea with them. "Hey Jung stop staring at Soo Jung and drink your tea!" The 4th prince scolded him. Everyone snickered and I turned red. "I would like to have a chat with you privately, Soo Jung, please come with me later, don't worry Young, he can go play with the princes."


"I noticed how my son looked at you, honey." Now I were in Queen Yoo's chamber. I looked down in the ground, I liked him too, but would I be good enough for him? She grabbed my hands in hers, "Soo Jung ah, I know you two like each other." I blushed and looked down in embarrassment. The Queen smiled knowingly, "I knew it! See, Jung never fall so deep in love with a girl."

What? He, the prince, the boy I used to grow up with, in love with me? I must say I am happy to hear that.

"So, you do want us together?" The Queen nodded and said, "I know what is your concern, it's your father, you are afraid that he might use you to gain his power and money. As you knew, I came from a rich, powerful family, which is exactly what your father desire."

Well, I must say it's good that my future mother in law is fond of me, wait what... Did I just say mother in law? I blushed heavily, "So you admit you like Jung, since you just said I was your mother in law!" Queen Yoo beamed. Damn I even said that out loud, great, just great.

But I didn't know that Jung was standing outside the room.

Jung's POV

So she likes me!!! Yes!!! Damn I thought she didn't like me all the time. But she sounds like she doesn't want to be with me because of her father... What happened in her childhood? Why did Soo Jung disappear and then came back after ten years? Hmm I am going to find out. Not to mention her eyes held too many grief. "What are you doing here, Jung?" Baek Ah spoke up behind me.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!" I just screamed so loudly, I heard the maids and Baek Ah snickered. I cleared my throat, "Nothing, I am just waiting for Mother." I lied.

Baek Ah looked at me suspiciously, "You want to see Soo Jung, bro. Just admit it!" He said rather loudly actually. I rolled my eyes as 'whatever you say'.

Little did I know Soo Jung actually heard us.


A/N: HEYYY I AM BACK SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING 🙇🏻‍♀️ its a short chapter hope you guys like it and I've been reading comments, literally every single one of them and they are so sweet 🤤❣️ warm my heart since you guys like this fanfic very much 😭 so enjoy this chapter and have a nice day!

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