A Night Of War

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Randy had snuck into the building and set the C4 to explode in about an hour. He was setting up to take the shot until he saw a fat man with a pony tail that was sort of covering his baldness. *He looks like a walrus* randy thought. He saw Ambrose and this man having a heated conversation. Randy switched his hearing gadget on. "Mr Heyman sir we are going as quickly as our men can possibly work" Ambrose said. "Not fast enough!" The man named Heyman said. "We can threaten them their lives for no breaks" roman suggested. Heyman sneered. "Yes that's a great idea my boy! We need these guns on the black market ASAP" Heyman said. "Yes boss" both roman and Ambrose said. *ambrose doesn't run the business it's this man named Heyman! This changes everything. Well I have my orders to kill Ambrose so I have to do what I'm told.* randy thought. He couldn't get a clear shot yet so he decided to listen a little longer. "Dean where's Seth?" Heyman asked. Dean looked down. "He's dead" dean said with anger in his voice. "How the fuck did that happen?!" Heyman asked with his voice raised. "He went to play poker with a mate and he ended up getting shot" dean said getting irritated. "Well did you two teach those boys a lesson?" Heyman asked with a smirk. "No sir they were dead as well. They were all dead but the doorman, the police are investigating it cause they were all crims" Rollins answered. Heyman's smirk disappeared. "It was a police hitman that did it" Heyman said. *seth that's the guy that accused me of cheating. But how did Heyman know it was a hitman?* Randy thought. Randy kept listening. "What...a hitman on the polices side?" Roman asked. "There's only a few but I know that's the work of one, I've had to deal with them in the past" Heyman said. Randy looked at his watch. *20 minutes till it blows.*

He looked through the eye piece and lined up the shot with Abrose's head. He was just about to shoot when the cops bursted through the doors. *what the fuck are they doing here?* Randy thought in anger. He looked through his eyepiece and turned on his hearing gadget. "Heyman I should have known" a women said. Randy looked around and found who was talking. *no it couldn't... be...please no. What.. is she.. doing here* Randy thought in a panick. "Miss blank we meet again how unfortunate...for you and your team" he said giving a dirty smirk. "Yes well I really didn't want to be here to bust your ass...I had better things to do" Kelly said holding onto her gun. *what better things were they Kelly?* Randy asked himself. "Woah woah no need for guns guys" Heyman said looking at all the police officers with their guns out. A man in a black and green army uniform walked over to Heyman and whispered something in his ear. Heyman's smirking face turned to a horrified look. The man walked off. "What did your goon tell you Heyman?" Kelly asked with a serious tone. He gulped. "There...well is a little situation...and it's not good for either of us" he said nervously. *what would make Paul nervous like this?* Kelly asked herself. "What is the problem Paul?" Kelly asked letting curiosity getting the better of her. "There seems to be a bomb planted in the building and its to late to...well get rid of it" Heyman said nervously. *crap they found it, and it's only 7 minutes till it blows! Shit, I better kill Ambrose and get the job done and get the hell out of here as well as getting Kelly out to...somehow* Randy thought.

Randy aimed it at Ambrose, but he moved when Randy took the shot, it went into his shoulder instead of his head. Ambrose yelped in pain and fell to the ground. Heyman looked confused and the police officers looked as confused as he was. He looked around and saw Randy. "Up there! There's the imposter!" Heyman yelled pointing at Randy. Heymans goons followed his orders and went after him. Randy ran off. *just great I got to get me and Kelly out before this place blows, while getting chased* Randy thought. He bolted around the corner and climbed into the vent quickly. All the goons ran past trying to find randy. Randy crawled more into the vent to find a place near Kelly. Well all hell broke lose Heyman ordered his men to attack Kelly's team of officers. Kelly had moved spots all the way into the middle of the building. Randy kept crawling when he saw Kelly hiding behind a create having a gun fight with one of Heyman's goons. Randy saw another goon lining up the shot behind Kelly. Randy immediately pushed opened the vent opening door and dropped from the vent right on top of the goon behind Kelly. He rolled off the goon. He turned his hands into fists. The goon got up and went straight for randy. Randy threw punch after punch at the goon. He pulled him up by the throat and slammed him onto the ground. The goon was out cold. Randy made his way next to Kelly. "Who the hell are you?" Kelly asked. Randy answered in his normal American accent. "I'm a friend ok" he said. He took out his rifle and started to shoot at the goon. The goon soon was down. Randy looked at his watch. *1 minute till it goes, shit* Randy thought. He hoisted Kelly up bridal style. He bolted out the doors and jumped onto the ground. He covered Kelly's whole body with his as the building exploded. It soon went off with a Big Bang and then it was just fire and a few flying pieces of the building. Randy rolled off Kelly and started to cough. Kelly opened her eyes and saw the bleeding man next to her. *he just saved my life* Kelly thought as she made her way over to him. "Thank...you" she said with a shocked look. "That's ok Miss" he said coughing a bit more. "Are you ok?" She asked as she gave him a hand up. "I'll be right, you just stay safe Miss" he said. "I will, thank you again" she said giving him a smile. He nodded then stumbled off.

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