Part 1

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A hot day I laughed when Andy pulled me into his house it was starting to rain, Ashley walked down the stairs with some fake barbie bimbo that he brought home I looked over at andy and we both fell to the floor in a laughing fit. I heard Sexting blasting from my phone which means my dad is calling.

"Hello" I said though the laughs

"Brittney what did you and Andy do" Dahvie smiled

"We just had a bit of fun" I giggled

" Y'all might want to turn the news on" Dahvie said

I talked to my dad a few more moments before hanging up walking over by Andy. He turned the news on staring at the TV in shock. I ran my hands over my face not believing the lies this news bitch was starting.

"How the fuck do they make this shit up" I said

" They make it up because they have nothing better to do" Jinxx said

"Me and Andy are not fucking Married like she is trying to make people Believe" I said

I watched Andy walk to his room shuting the door. I followed him knocking on the door knowing he would not open it, I was shocked when he did I walked in shuting the door pulling Andy into a hug. I felt him hug back burying his head in my neck leaving light kisses,

"Is it a bad thing that I wish that news Bitch was right?" Andy whispered

"No, Andy it's not wrong" I smiled kissing his head


Andy laced his fingers with mine pulling me down the stairs over by the couch. My jaw hit the floor hearing that Bitch saying I was Pregnant, Jinxx walked over to the window seeing the Paparazzi and news Team.

"Guys we have a problem" Jinxx said

Andy has his arms around my waist holding me againt his chest. I turned to see my Dad, Jayy and Lexi bug walk in though the back, I ran over hugging my dad who kissed my head rubbing my back.

"Dad why is all them people out there?" Lexi asked

"Because they are trying to spread and start more lies" Jayy said

" Why they do that?" Lexi asked

"Because they are trying to ruin Andy and Brittney lifes" Dahvie said

I pushed lexi over to Sammi seeing the Paparazzi braking the door down snaping pictures of me and Andy, I stumbled rubbing my eyes Andy grabbed my hand Pulling up the stairs into his room shuting the door locking it. I sat on his bed watching him pack some cloths walking up behind him wrapping my arms around him kissing the back of his shoulder, Andy smiled stoping what he was doing turning around picking me up. I giggled wraping my legs around his waist kissing him softly the lies where getting to be too much,

" Thank you're dad would let us run off" Andy chuckled

"Maybe, What are you thinking?" I asked

" We go make these stupid lies true" Andy grinned

"I know we can make one of them come true right now" I chuckled

"You're as crazy as I am" Andy chuckled.

I giggled felling Andy tossing me on his bed crawling over me. I giggled taking his shirt off throwing it on the floor, Our cloths where all on the floor Andy had us both wrapped up in his Blanket we made love 3 times with in an hour. I was cuddled up next to Andy he has his arm around my waist we are both sound asleep only to be woke up by yelling, I sighed pulling my cloths on seeing Andy doing the same I ran my fingers though my hair working all the knots out making it look half way good.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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