The "Perfect" Girl

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The perfect girl

Why do you say?

Is it because of

Her straight A's

Is it because of her looks

Or the fact that she almost always has

Her nose in a book

How about it's her personality

Or maybe how popular she is with guys

Let's get back to reality

No girl is perfect

She may seem that way

But Behind

All those A's and looks

And personality and books

She's broken

Not able to be fixed

take a look around you

And next time you might see

Her secret family

Cat, Deb, and Sue

Maybe even Ana too

Crying herself to sleep

As the monsters in her room

Start to creep

From the shadows

And sooner or later

There will be battles

Battles lost and won

But not always

The final one

The final battle is ending

She can not take the heat

Her future seems bleak

She can't take no more

She closes and locks the door

Deciding to go down the road

Not across the street

She never looks back

She's gone

The perfect girl

is gone

Monsters took her away

She won't be able

To see another day

The "Perfect" GirlWhere stories live. Discover now