Rules & Info

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Hi everyone! I've never done this before, so fingers crossed that this is successful! 

I'm Andie (hi, hello, how are you) and I decided I wanted to create a book club! I want to give people the opportunity to get their book out there and meet new people! 

On to the rules! 

1. Follow me (if anyone helps me run the club in the future please follow them as well, I will update here if a new admin pops up) 

2. Fill out the form that will be posted on the next chapter 

3.All genres are accepted but your book must be in English, please and thank you! When you fill out the form please let it be known if there is mature content, not everyone will be comfortable with it and I don't want to force someone to read something they aren't comfortable with

4. There will be one Book Of The Week, (the book of the week will be up for two weeks since we will be working on a two week system) that everyone will read, and will work on a rotation system. Everyone will have a chance to have their book be BOTW

5. You will be divided into groups, that will work on a rotation system as well (if there is a genre you aren't comfortable with reading or absolutely refuse to read please let me know so we can work around it, otherwise please try to be open minded, who knows you may like trying something new!) How many people join will help decide group size. I'm thinking probably between 2 and 4 people in a group, I don't want to overwhelm anyone

6. In your group you will read 2 chapters of each person's story that is in your group. So If we have a group of 3 people then you will be reading 2 chapters for each person, making it 6 chapters in total that you will have to read for the 2 week time period before rotating partners (this is just an example as group size has not been decided yet.) Book Of The Week will work the same way- read 2 chapters and comment on those chapters

7. For each chapter you read you need to leave a 3 line comment (you can leave more if you want of course) and the comment must be positive feedback! I want this to be fun, and negativity will not be tolerated. Leaving constructive criticism or suggesting ideas on how to improve the chapter is fantastic but please be polite! There is no reason to tear apart someone's story. This is supposed to be a friendly environment, I want this book club to serve as a way to meet new people and help writers grow

8. 3 days before the two week time period is up, there will be a notification to let you know you need to finish your group's reading assignment in case you haven't done so before hand. If you will not be able to meet the requirement of reading 2 chapters for each person please let me know so that it won't be counted against you (I totally understand that things come up and people are busy)

9.  Add this book to a reading list so you can stay updated!

10. You can have more than one book in the club, youwill have to do the form more than once if you enter more than one book, butplease know this will affect rotation. One rotation will be book A. and onerotation will be book B. that way the rotation system stays organized and thegroup doesn't have to read a ton of extra books at one time    

11. I will post a chapter every two weeks so everyone knows who is in what group and we can chat in the comments! When you finish your chapters and comments for your group please leave a comment letting everyone know that you did it!

12. Please let me know if you no longer want to be part of the book club so that I can adjust groups! 

Okay so that was a lot of info to write, and for you to read, give yourself a pat on the back if you made it to the end! 

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to leave a comment or message me! <3 

BunBun Book ClubTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon