Part 1

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The VIP's and the other audiences are awestruck with the designs the models are showcasing in the ramp.... Finally the showstopper came holding the arms of the designers who put their heart for those designs...

"Put your hands for Radhika Sharma and Neha Jindal.... Your designers for this wonderful evening" somewhere the words echoed in the auditorium where the setup has been made.

A loud roar of applause was heard.... Radhika and Neha took light bows with their charming smiles....

There came Aditya Jindal... who is organizing this event for their AJ Designing Industries.

He held Radhika gently by her waist and concluded the event by thanking their guests....

Radhika smiled sweetly even though it didn't reached her eyes... the spark was not there... her hazel eyes started to roam around casually... but got froze... when it met a chocolate brown pair.... "It can't be" her heart pounded heavily.... But unfortunately... there he's staring her intently with a smirk.... Sending shivers to her... her worst nightmare.... After five years... standing right there with a fire in his eyes....

She tried her best to compose herself though her colour drained from her face... Aditya sensed it and held her assuringly...

Finally she excused herself and ran away from him... her nightmare... and got in the restroom.... As if it's going to shield her from him...

Beads of sweat broke from her forehead and rolled in the side... She rushed to the sink and splashed a handful of water....

"I will have you first" he gritted his teeth and pinned her to the bed. "No.... Aarav... let me go... please..." she cried her heart out wriggling beneath him but he held her very firmly. "Stop wriggling" he yelled at her face sternly. "Please... don't do this... Aar" his lips crashed hers harshly shutting her plea... She struggled to breathe even.... When she felt that her world is going to shatter finally... she did one thing which she never ever thought about... she kicked his manhood with her knee... he didn't expected this.... His face showed his pain clearly... she took the opportunity and shoved him away.... Rolling down she stood in fraction of seconds and got hold of the knife from her fruit basket... her anger in her eyes and the way she held the knife confidently... made him to take a step back... but not before telling "No one can save you from me...." With a wink he left her room"

Splash... Splash... Splash.... Nothing is helping her.... "Radhi" her name made her to jerk a bit. She breathed in relief as it was from Aditya. He knocked again. "Are you oka" before he could complete she came out. "Am fine... just tired... that's it" she tried.

"Okay... come...." He said half-heartedly and held her gently.... She always felt strange with his gentleness as she only knows one thing... manhandling... that too from her nightmare....

"Radhi... I want to introduce you to my friend... then we will go home... okay" he said genuinely. She nodded with a smile without guessing who that friend might be.

Everyone was having their refreshment....

"Radhi.... Meet my friend... Aarav Singh Raizada.... And Aarav.... Meet my fiancée... Radhika Sharma" 

Note: Guys... here is my new book.... hope you guys like it.... keep supporting me.... luv u all...


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