The Love I Never Knew (Ryley Fanfic)

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It was just a phone call that set Ryder off. Just a sentence made his mind spin. It was a month after sectionals everyone was on spring break. One piece news brought all of the New Directions together all of them but Ryder he felt too guilty and stupid to be there.

Marley Rose a former Glee Club member was found unconscious 12 hours ago she wasn't breathing, her eyes were slammed shut. Her mother Mille Rose almost had a heart attack finding Marley and had brought her straight to the hospital. A few hours after that all the New Directions were informed that the Angel Eyed girl they all knew was in hospital all of them had gathered to the hospital as quick as they could all of them but Ryder Lynn. He wasn't there for a few reasons he kept telling himself there was no need to be there. He told himself he was stupid enough to even show up. His phone had blown up with messages from the New Directions telling him to be there. He never once looked twice at his phone his head had been buried in his pillow trying to process everything. His dad had come in to ask him if he wanted a ride to the hospital he only shook his head violently so his dad left. His mother had come in to ask of he was okay he refused to look at her so she gave up and left his room. He hadn't eaten or even slept since he found out he was to shocked, to speechless. He felt broken inside he knew that there would be another person that felt just how he was feeling that was Jake Puckerman. Marley's current boyfriend, Marley had chosen Jake over Ryder. As much as Ryder envied Jake he had to respect the couple because he wanted Marley to be happy. The truth was he wasn't happy every time he would walk down the corridors of McKinley Highschool he would see the couple being all cute and lovey to each other. It killed him, it hurt him because Marley was in Jake's arms not his. He really did love Marley no he didn't just love her he was in love with her every time someone mentioned her name he would get butterflies in his stomach. His hands always shook when he was around her when she talked to him it was like it was only them two in the room. Marley would always make him feel better when he needed it he would tell her things he would never tell anyone else Marley was truly his best friend.

Ryder laid back in his bed finally taking the tear stained pillow off of his face. He wondered to himself if it was over if he had lost her forever if it was too late to tell her how he really felt. He needed to see her a feeling suddenly came to Ryder it was like a electric shock telling him to see her. He heard a light tap on the door his dad walked through and sat on the edge of his bed. "How ya doing buddy?" His dad said with a soft tone Ryder looked at him his eyes were all red and puffy. He looked down at his knees sighing "look me and your mum think you should go to the hospital" his dad continued. Ryder looked up at his dad "we think it would be best this is stressing you out it would be better to be round your friends," dad said. Ryder sighed "look Ryder you need to-" "I will go," Ryder said interrupting his father. "You'll go?" His dad asked "I need to see her dad I'm going," Ryder said. His dad stood up "alright I will get the car started and meet you downstairs," he said walking out the room. Ryder wasn't entirely sure he wanted to go to the hospital seeing everyone but he knew one thing it could be the last time he might see Marley Rose the love of his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2014 ⏰

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