⚜ Chapter Two ⚜

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This is a very weak first draft, but I felt like posting it would give me motivation to fix it.


Rage And Envy

Elle's hands tiresomely grasped the sheets on her bed hoping that she could get just a couple more moments of sleep. Once she realised her inevitable fate she rubbed her fists childishly against her eyes and swung her legs out of the bed. The arch of her foot began to cramp as it touched the cold floor, but Elle ignored it and pulled last night's abandoned sweatshirt over her head and headed downstairs.

Elle was surprised when she heard multiple chatting voices emerging from the usually groggy kitchen. Quickly running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to look decently presentable to whoever David had invited over for breakfast, she entered the kitchen almost soundlessly. Daniel was lounged on the couch with a gaming controller clutched in his hands, murmuring obscurities. David and Cassandra were sitting on the stools of the counter as Andy was at the stove prodding what appeared to be a pancake with a spatula.

Andy noticed Eleanor enter first, waving to her with the spatula.

"Morning Ellie," He grinned. Elle was always shocked as to how despite how much Andy seemed to drink the night before, he shamelessly managed to avoid the morning's hangover. "Pancakes?"

She waved her hand at the nickname, but still nodded. "Yes, please." She said eagerly. It was only when Andy and Daniel came over for breakfast that she got to enjoy the highly anticipated pancakes. Neither Cassandra or Elle could cook a proper meal even if it was to save the other. When they moved in with David, Elle fiercely hoped that David could manage not to burn a simple grilled cheese, but her hope was demolished when David turned out to be worse than both combined.

Elle climbed onto the stool next to David as Andy slid a plate of pancakes towards her. She thanked him as he finished cleaning the pan and went to join Daniel. "So what are we talking about?" She asked her mother around a mouthful of pancakes. Cassandra glared at her daughter for her disgusting habits but didn't mention them.

"We were just deciding where we should sit your cousin Ethan at the wedding." Daniel answered for his fiancée who dramatically sipped on her coffee. Eleanor scrunched her nose in distaste.

"Do you even have to invite him?" She questioned pushing away her now empty plate. "I'm pretty sure he hates me."

"He doesn't hate you Eleanor." Her mother said. "He's going through a hard time right now with his dad remarrying."

"I get that, I just don't understand why he has some vendetta against me."

Daniel and Andy walk in from the living room. "Maybe he really just doesn't like you. He's actually rather kind to me." Daniel said.

"Lucky you then." Elle mumbled under her breath. Andy, having heard her, laughed.

"Elle, me and Daniel are going out and you're coming with us, ok?" Elle raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Is that so?" She looked to Daniel who was having a conversation of his own with their mother and David. "Where are we going?"

Andy looked over to Daniel as well, then back at Elle. "Can't tell you." He grinned, making Elle roll her eyes.

"Well alright. I suppose I can spare some time out of my busy schedule." She joked, then turned to the rest of her family. "I guess I'm going to get dressed."


"So are you guys going to tell me where we're going?" She asked her brother and his best friend from the back seat. The corner of Daniel's mouth quirked from the driver's seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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